WHAT IS DIKSHA? Deeksha or Oneness Blessing is a transfer of - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS DIKSHA? Deeksha or Oneness Blessing is a transfer of divine, intelligent energy. Diksha works by creating a neurobiological shift in the brain and awakening the energy centers of the body called Chakras. This process produces a change of consciousness aimed at liberation from suffering created by the mind; also balances the natural healing energies and sharpens the brain with the fields of unity ending the illusion of apparent separation. Once started, it is a gradual awakening process that leads to a constant state of Oneness, Inner Peace and comfort. Diksha offers all seekers of peace and unity a chance to experience life in a new way of connection and love, a world without divisions, from the inside out, a world of unconditional love and infinite joy. We are not tied to any spiritual or religious belief. We ourselves are not a creed or path. We are simply offering the gift of Spiritual Awakening through Diksha and allowing each person to experience your own truth with your own beliefs. Creed respect every being, since that is not the truth itself remains false. Please come and experience this wonderful gift for the first time is being offered to all mankind, the gift of Awakening. WHY NOW IS GIVEN THE POSSIBILITY OF DIKSHA? Our planet is going through an evolutionary transition to large scale; it is impacting our environment and the individual and collective consciousness. We are all connected to this process of purification and rejuvenation, in fact, we are the same process. In keeping with this transition, the founders of the Oneness University, Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma has started Deeksha Oneness Blessing or as a way to help our evolution due to the collective state of Oneness. Owns THE BLESSING OF UNIT TO A CREED IN PARTICULAR? Deeksha does not belong to any religion or creed; is a free universal energy dogmas that can be received by anyone, whatever path you choose to follow. Work unique and intelligent way to directly connect with the truth of his own being. WHATS CHANGE NEUROBIOLOGICAL? Diksha balances the energy centers of thought hyper-active in the brains frontal lobes hypo-active. This re-wiring of the brain or new synapses allows the senses work free from the interference of the mind. Once the senses are no longer clouded by the interpretations of the mind takes place a natural clarity of perception accompanied by feelings of joy, inner peace, connection and Oneness. HOW IT RELATES TO THE GLOBAL CHANGE? Each individual who awakens to their true and original state, has an effect of inter-connection on the whole, thus assisting humanity on the road to global transformation. As more people reach the state of Oneness, the easier it will be for the rest. WHO CAN RECEIVE BLESSING OF UNIT? Most people over 18 can receive Diksha. Exceptions are women over 16 weeks pregnant, people affected by severe mental illness in which case, may receive a sanación-. WHO CAN GIVE DIKSHA? The Oneness Blessing can be transferred by any person involved in the processes conducted at Oneness University, currently 9 days. The Oneness Blessing Giver or Grantor of Oneness Blessing, then becomes a channel for the energy to be transmitted to the receiver. HOW TO TRANSFER THE DIKSHA? EXPERIENCE WHAT I HAVE? The Blessing Giver places his hands on the receivers head for about a minute. Experiences during the transfer may vary as they are quite individual and can range from subtle to intense. Sometimes the receiver may notice a tingling in the head, or an intense energy throughout the body, or feel nothing at all, without this having any specific meaning. The receiver can be sure that no matter what you feel during transfer, a relative of the individual nature completely personal process, gradually and at times will lead to Awakening repentinamente- own start. CAN BE ACCELERATED TRANSFORMATION PROCESS? Once the energy channels open, the body is more receptive to higher energy levels. Receiving Diksha once a week combined with a meditation for the chakras and breath awareness, you can increase the power and grace of this transformation. However, practiced only that which is natural to you and the path you decide to follow. WHAT MAKES OUR SERVICES AND EVENTS? Our courses are based on helping people awaken to deeper levels of inner peace and joy through transferring the powerful energy of Deeksha. This energy has immense potential and unimaginable, can heal and awaken at all levels of human experience, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Once Oneness Blessing has received, the person begins the process of Awakening which is a state free from inner conflict and suffering, a state of profound joy, peace, unity and freedom interior.- HOW TO PRODUCE ENERGY CHANGE THIS? Once you have received the Diksha, actually starts a biological process in which each transfer certain neurotransmitters helps awaken and crucial energy related Awakening and gradually others that connect directly with the sense of separation that is reducing the main reason for the suffering. The state of separation is the ordinary mode of human consciousness. In this reality, the unity of life is not perceived and instead, all things, events and people are experienced as separate and unrelated. From this perspective, emerging qualities such as competence, pride, control, need for control, loneliness, insecurity, confusion, boredom and emptiness envy. Each Oneness Blessing helps the receiver to get away from this feeling of separation and about the sense of connection and oneness with all life. This is when you start to notice a deep state of bliss that arises naturally without conditions. Is it ALL THE SAME STATE RECEIVES WORLD? WHAT IS UP? Each person lives a single process. The conversion is different at all. Depends in part on the degree of openness of the host, but above all, the inherent intelligence flowing energy knowing exactly what each requires. For example, you may want peace of mind, but what really makes you need is a better understanding of the nature of mind, then you will receive it first and then what you wanted. Or maybe you expect more harmony in your life, but first you need harmony and consciousness within you, so again it was first manifest what is in your highest good. A background in meditation or some spiritual practice can help, but sometimes an intense spiritual training can full of concepts that even block the openness slowing the process. Many people who have virtually any kind of spiritual preparation come into very beautiful state with great ease. For example there have been outbreaks of Awakening as when several residents incredible phenomenon entered the state after just receiving one or two Dikshas in villages in India and Africa, or in places where people do not have higher education. That is the most important part of search engine, quality is the sincerity and honesty with oneself, what it means to live with a pure heart and giving importance to relationships, as these should also be in order. WHAT KIND OF EXPERIENCE CAN I EXPECT? Most people experience inner peace, joy, harmony, freedom, clarity, self-awareness, balance and / or oneness with life. Sometimes people also have experiences of spiritual awakening, expansion of consciousness, universal unity and greater understanding of themselves, the universe and even God. There are also cases in which some people feel little or nothing. Although there is no formula for this process, generally speaking, the first Dikshas are aimed at eliminating energy blockages so that this new energy can be received, the following Blessings, then initiate a process of cleansing and purification and subsequent help enter a higher state of consciousness. IS IT POSSIBLE IN THESE TIMES THE AWAKENING? Put simply, the Awakening is the dissolution of the feeling of being fixed and separate. Once we realize that our concept of the self is an illusion, we are able to experience ourselves as a stream of consciousness that is not subject to the boundary conditions of the mind. What if. Awakening is possible in these times.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:45:00 +0000

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