WHAT IS TPP? TPP stands for Trans-Pacific Partnership...its a - TopicsExpress


WHAT IS TPP? TPP stands for Trans-Pacific Partnership...its a trade deal that is expected to drive down the wages of 90 percent of all Americans. 600 corporations have banded together--controlling 40 percent of all global trade--they will be able to extract whatever resources they want from our country...and if we complain, offshore tribunals will decide our fate. TPP also plans to use copyright law to effectively shut down our internet. Americans will be competing for jobs in a market that pays less than min. wage, our environment may be poisoned by lawless, offshore, transnational companies, prices for medical care will be inflated and food safety will be practically non-existent. The U.S. is essentially being colonized by 600 transnational companies--which are collectively operating like a nation state. If you dont want most of the U.S. to experience Detroit-like poverty...please get involved: Call your Representatives and join actions, ASAP, to STOP TPP and demand NO FAST TRACK. Thank you. ♥ *** ARTICLES: Congress Moves to Fast Track TPP, Threatening Human Health and Environment The TPP agreement could devastate communities...It would elevate corporations to the level of nations, thus allowing foreign companies to directly sue governments in private trade tribunals over laws and policies that corporations allege reduce their profits. It would also open the floodgates for the expansion of natural gas exports and, therefore, fracking across the U.S. [also, affect radiation monitoring, nuclear power plant safety and our ability to protect ourselves from any environmental disaster.] On behalf of the Sierra Club and our 2.1 million members and supports, I urge members to oppose this fast-track bill and retain their right to ensure that the U.S. trades responsibly. ecowatch/2014/01/10/congress-fast-track-tpp-threatening-health-environment/ Scientists have traditionally held a range of contrasting views on the extent to which they should be involved in the political decision-making process. Many of us feel that, in return for the public funding we receive to carry out our research, we have to produce impartial knowledge that can be used by policy makers, but otherwise we should not be involved as scientists in political debates. However, when politicians devise policies that risk annihilating the societal impact of our work, some of us claim the right to be outspoken, as the two of us do in the following... earthwatchmedia.org/tpp-ttip-policy.../ ACLU: The Biggest Threat to Free Speech and Intellectual Property That You’ve Never Heard Of https://aclu.org/blog/free-speech-technology-and-liberty-national-security/biggest-threat-free-speech-and VIDEO: The TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership] is often referred to by critics as NAFTA on steroids, and would establish a free trade zone that would stretch from Vietnam to Chile, encompassing 800 million people — about a third of world trade and nearly 40 percent of the global economy. While the text of the treaty has been largely negotiated behind closed doors and, until June, kept secret from Congress, more than 600 corporate advisers reportedly have access to the measure, including employees of Halliburton and Monsanto. This is not mainly about trade, says Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. It is a corporate Trojan horse. The agreement has 29 chapters, and only five of them have to do with trade. The other 24 chapters either handcuff our domestic governments, limiting food safety, environmental standards, financial regulation, energy and climate policy, or establishing new powers for corporations. democracynow.org/2013/10/4/a_corporate_trojan_horse_obama_pushes TPP = NAFTA on steriods + SOPA democracynow.org/2014/1/3/nafta_at_20_lori_wallach_on TPP - Wikileaks has released another bombshell youtu.be/bPIsjH25GHo *** LEAKED TPP DOCUMENTS: wikileaks.org/tpp/ wikileaks.org/tpp-enviro/ *** WEBPAGES WITH MORE DETAILS: Click links on left side for various issues: exposethetpp.org/TPPImpactsYou.html citizenstrade.org/ctc/trade-policies/tpp-potential-trade-policy-problems/ citizenstrade.org/ctc/blog/2013/06/04/activists-start-here-the-tpp-fast-track-organizers-toolkit/ *** HOW TO LOCATE AND CALL REPRESENTATIVES: Main number~ Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121 (Ask to be transferred to your Rep/Sen) To find your specific Rep/Sen: contactingthecongress.org/ *** CALL SCRIPT: “Hi, this is (your full name). I am a constituent of Rep/Senator (name). I live in (name of city). I am calling to request that Rep/Sen (name) vote NO on Fast Track Authority. It is important to me that Congress follows the Constitutional directive to negotiate international trade and that all trade agreements are given full consideration, debate and amendments as needed. Do you know Rep/Sen (name) position on Fast Track Authority? Will he/she vote Yes or No? (wait for an answer) Do you know Rep/Sen (name) position on the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement? Will he/she vote Yes or No? (wait for an answer) (regardless of their response, just continue) Once again, I am requesting that Rep/Sen (name) vote NO on Fast Track Authority and NO on the TPP! Please be sure he/she gets my message. Thank you.” *** FLYERS: tinyurl/mzk3346 (SEND! : D *** FINALLY, WE ALSO PERIODICALLY TWITTER STORM, PROVIDE UPDATES AND ORGANIZE ADDITIONAL STOP TPP/NO FAST TRACK EVENTS...SO ALWAYS CHECK BACK! *** Thank you for joining us! ♥
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:05:51 +0000

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