WHAT LUBOSO KATITA SAYS ON CHESS FEDERATION OF ZAMBIA PROPOSED CONSTITUTION AMENDEMENTS. Every sports organization in the world has a constitution that may be written or unwritten. Now the question is WHAT IS CONSTITUTION? Constitution is the fundamental law of an organization. Upon which regulate the exercise of power directing to what bodies or person these power shall be confine and other duties of their exercise. Now if you read closely the Chess Federation of Zambia constitution definition. It’s state that by virtue of the legal powers, the CFZ declares that FIDE constitution, by laws, rules, regulations and decisions are considered as part of its own constitution and they are to be compulsorily respected CFZ, by ALL ITS CHESS MEMBERS and by third parties involved in chess matters except as other authorized by the FIDE. Chess administrators and my colleagues, reference to the above. Is it in order for the general secretary of Chess Federation of Zambia to ask all general chess members in Zambia to contribute on this important and life document through FACEBOOK. Just to highlight the truth. I have six former chess veterans and five chess administrators who got puzzled when I told them that the proposed constitution amendments is on FACEBOOK and General Secretary appealed to chess family to contribute. There is a special procedure laid down for the amendment of the written constitution. The ordinary law can be enacted by chess members, modified and repealed by a simple process which is different from the one laid down in connection with the other chess clauses constitution. Reading and looking at the way the CFZ SG is doing some procedures, there is no necessity of breaking the constitution because it can be bent and adjusted to suit the CHANGED circumstances. This is particularly so, in terms of how many chess members have contributed since it was posted on CFZ chess blog only Mr. Solomon Simutowe made some contribution which am told they are having some difficulties to accept some vital contributions he made. Why only Mr. Simutowe? Where are the likes of Mr. Alex Mwashi, Mr. David Zulu, Mr. Kennedy Phiri, Mr. Robert Mvula, Mrs. Joy Mtine, Dr Maxmillian Ngoma, Mr. Lewis N’cube, Mr. Maybin Chinama, Mr. T. Marshall, Mr. Bright Muyenga, Mrs. Epah Tembo Jere, Mr. Andrew Kayonde, Mr. Lasford Chewe bowa’s contribution? The answer is simple and I have state above that constitution is the fundamental law of an organization on which you cannot copy and paste it on FB and telling well qualified, educated people to contribute. The CFZ SG, learn to consult. Moreover, as powers of the various clauses are likely to be tempered with in the constitution there is more chances of confusion and disputes. The best constitution must have broader consultation and all Zones in Zambia should participate through round table discussion NOT on FACEBOOK and am very surprised that one of Zambian The Post chess reporter he is waiting for my contribution on CFZ blog via FB. I totally agree with Mr. Jackson Chansa and Mr. Stanley Chufwa that The Post chess reporter needs to look deep into Zambian chess history very carefully. The constitution can also be amended by the process of judicial interpretation e.g. clause 6.1 (a), 8 (f). Therefore, I find it difficult for me to contribute on the vital document on FB. No constitution can be static. It has to change with the passage of time in order to adjust itself to the changing needs of better chess players in Zambia. THANK YOU AND WISH YOU ALL HAPPY FESTIVAL SEASON AND MAY LORD BLESS US ALL.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 09:45:57 +0000

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