WHAT SHOULD BE OUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS OUR SDA MINISTERS (such as Doug Batchelor, Dwayne Lemon, Ted Wilson, Maurice Berry, etc.? Look not to the ministers to do your work.—The Review and Herald, September 22, 1896. Many of our dear brethren and sisters think that they cannot have a large gathering unless Brother and Sister White attend. In many places they realize that something must be done to move the people to more earnestness and decided action in the work and cause of truth. They have had ministers to labor among them, yet they realize that a greater work must be done, and look to Brother and Sister White to do it. This, I saw, was not as God would have it. In the first place, there is a deficiency with some of our ministers. 2T 119 While the new converts should be taught to ask counsel from those more experienced in the work, they should also be taught not to put the minister in the place of God. Ministers are but human beings, men compassed with infirmities. Christ is the One to whom we are to look for guidance.—Testimonies For The Church 7:20 (1904). Some of our ministers are standing directly in the way of the advancement of the work of God, and the people who look to them for an example are backsliding from God. About two years ago I was shown the dangers of our ministers and the result of their course upon the cause of God. I have spoken in general terms in reference to these things, but those most at fault are the last to apply the testimonies to themselves. Some are so blinded by their own selfish interest that they lose sight of the exalted character of the work of God. 2T 620 The people look to the ministers to search the Scriptures for them and to explain what they teach.—Evangelism, 367. Reading grounds people in the truth—Though the minister may faithfully present the message, the people are not able to retain it all. The printed page is therefore essential, not only in awakening them to the importance of the truth for this time, but in rooting and grounding them in the truth, and establishing them against deceptive error. Papers and books are the Lord’s means of keeping the message for this time continually before the people. In enlightening and confirming souls in the truth, the publications will do a far greater work than can be accomplished by the ministry of the Word alone.—Testimonies for the Church 6:315. Members should not expect their minister to replace Christ as their guide and counselor—Many look to their ministers to bring the light from God to them, seeming to think this a cheaper way than to be to the trouble of going to God for it themselves. Such lose much. If they would daily follow Christ and make Him their guide and counselor, they might obtain a clear knowledge of His will, and thus be gaining a valuable experience. PM 218 While the new converts should be taught to ask counsel of those more experienced in the work, they should also be taught not to put ministers in the place of God. Ministers are not gods, but human beings, men compassed with infirmities. Christ is the One to whom all are to look for guidance. PUR, Apr. 24, 1902 Please read Acts 20:28. “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” The people look to the ministers and imitate their example and they are responsible to God for the influence they exert. They must render an account to God for their words and acts. RH, Aug. 1, 1862 The Lord has said, “Ask, and ye shall receive.” If they seek strength and wisdom from him, they will not seek in vain. If in accepting responsibility, in seeking to impart light to others, they tremble under the cross, they will be led to the Saviour to find strength and grace and power. Through this experience they will learn to rely, not on their ministers, but on the Lord himself. They will learn to go to Jesus for help, and will not be so dependent on their ministers. RH, Feb. 28, 1893 There are men who profess to open the Scriptures to others, and who claim to be ministers of the gospel, who yet place stumbling-blocks in the way of those who are seeking for safe paths. But let the sincere seeker for truth look to the Author of truth, and not to the would-be instructor who knows not the way of light. Go to the Fountain of knowledge, and become acquainted with what saith the Scriptures, and take no mortal man’s inferences and assertions. ST, Oct. 15, 1894 Ministers and people must learn to look to men less and to God more. He can save to the utmost all who put their trust in him. RH, Aug. 23, 1881
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:29:56 +0000

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