WHAT THE LAWFUL DISSENT MOVEMENT IS ABOUT... We are a non profit, constitutional, peaceful movement that has the interest of ALL children at our heart. We are not Nationalistic although of course we are all for British constitutional law (common law). We encourage ALL ethnic groups who are considered British peoples to join in the rebellion, our hearts are all the same colour we DO NOT exclude any race of peoples who have come to live in our country...however, any ethic groups who live here are expected to respect the rule of law and the British constitution of course. WE DO NOT support UKIP as they are a controlled opposition group committing high treason by accepting a place in the EU Parliament. That is against constitutional law and Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215. We DO SUPPORT the truth with evidential facts we DO NOT rely on heresay or beliefs. The truth is ALWAYS evidential and we do not hide our intentions or information unlike The Reset.org or we the people group who are controlled opposition. Just ask the group we the people why they are going to serve a petition to the alleged queen to invoke Article 61 when it has already been invoked....you will be ignored and blocked from further comment. We are dedicated to saving this country from the EU despots who seek to destroy the rule of law in our country on the 1st of November 2014, replacing it with a tyrannical unjust regime that will destroy free speech and any chance at justice for any of us (unless you are a paedophile or genocidal fascist). We are intelligent peoples who have researched the facts and have acted on the truth in an attempt to bring awareness to the common people. We are fearless and dedicated why? because we have a duty to ourselves and the children who are the future. The lawful dissent movement (in conjunction with various other likeminded groups) are the only group that stands under the BRITISH CONSTITUTION in accordance with the law of the land in order to preserve and protect a system of justice now dangling by a thread. ALL WE NEED IS NUMBERS TO SUPPORT US....please look at the evidence and check for yourself if we are true to our word. We have one agenda.....to prevent the EU from destroying our lives and to arrest the traitors in public office who are causing this to happen. We need you to stand with us and the law in whatever capacity you can. We appreciate that many cannot be on the front line but remember this....every soldier on the front line is supported by 14 other people in the background, supplying the soldier with arms, food, clothing, intelligence etc etc etc. If you only send an oath to one of the barons and speak with others about what is happening that is a massive help. Please do all you can but be safe, we are dealing with a very corrupt and dangerous enemy and we do not expect you to go putting yourself or dependents at risk. Peace.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 07:46:04 +0000

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