WHAT WE SHOULD BE CONSIDERING IN TRANSFORMING OURSELVES: 1. THE FAMILY -- as the basic unit of our society, it all starts here. Most families have immediate problems related to economic factors, but ultimately such problems do not really decide whether or not the family can survive. The more basic problems that tend to undermine the familys integrity and cohesiveness can be addressed not just by solutions to the perceived economic deficiencies, but more importantly these other solutions aim to strengthen the familys faith in their sense of togetherness and of having/seeing a greater purpose in life. It may be enabled through religion (morality and ethical responsibility), through better education (self-enlightenment and proper guidance of the young), through positive social engagement and participation in community life (social entrepreneurship and empowerment), and of course having sufficient means or livelihood for carrying out the basic mandates of civilized living (quality of life -- freedom from want or escaping the clutches of poverty). Every individual Filipinos capacity to contribute to society is nurtured first in the family; 2. THE LOCAL COMMUNITY -- the barangay is the most proximate locus and setting of peoples interactions -- as neighbors and collaborators in building the nation from the ground up. Our sense of community has eroded through the years because of the actions of many so-called local leaders that denigrated the potentials of the community to achieve solidarity in progress, which is only enabled by practicing equity in growth. If only some people or sectors in the barangay have prospered, and particularly if it was at the expense of other sectors or groups/places in the same barangay, then that barangay will always be divided and at war within itself. A progressive community can happen if there is a unifying theme and vision that everyone concerned can support and actively work towards -- despite the presence of any healthy disagreements on how best to attain such a vision; 3. THE METROPOLITAN SCENE -- in any urban setting, the sheer magnitude of people needing and wanting certain things needs to be properly managed and facilitated through a more sophisticated system of cosmopolitan administration that is also humanistic in outlook, not just technical or materialistic -- and political accommodations and compromises need to be put in their place (i.e., these political considerations should never upset or take precedence over the general welfare of the people, as defined by the prevailing laws and policies that protect and foster the peoples proper advancement). The great inertial force of a metropolitan area in terms of economic and social progress tends to take precedence over peoples lives, but it has to be recognized that such advancements through the sacrifices of some people or sectors should have countervailing measures that ensure these others who have to give way to the majority are not marginalized or discarded altogether/left behind. The progress and well-being of a metropolitan area has to be on the basis of the good of the many -- but not upon the sacrifices or backs of those who have no choice but to accept their marginalization. These marginalized have to be given appropriate alternatives that will also be able to harness their positive contributions to the advancement of the whole metropolitan area; 4. THE COUNTRYSIDE -- many of our people are starving in the countryside because of the long neglect by government (both national and local levels). This poor, anonymous and silent majority who remain rooted in the rustic life also have no real choices or alternatives, and when they do something about it, it is only to head to the metropolis -- to further add to the already big and heavy burden that the poor enclaves there pose to our whole society and the State. But the seeds of our own development and progress can only grow in the countryside, which has to support the cities with food. If we further neglect the countryside/rural development, we pretty much guarantee that ultimately, we will never survive as a whole country; 5. THE NATION AS A WHOLE -- this is the greatest challenge to every Filipino, regardless of creed or religion, political beliefs and economic status, or ethnic origins and cultural background. As an archipelago, we have always been heterogeneous in very many ways. But as one country, we have somehow survived the centuries of colonization, two world wars, bad governments and corrupt politicians, even the perennial natural calamities, as well as our own rank stupidities and foolishness. But we will have to pull ourselves together as one nation if we are to compete with and be respected among the many nations that comprise the global community of mankind. As countless times demonstrated in many venues and world stages, Filipinos are enormously talented and gifted. We never cease to amaze the whole world -- on the basis of our abilities, as well as the equally surprising inability to govern ourselves properly and well. We should all work together to address the latter bad reputation, because no matter how many more individual Filipinos turn up to amaze the world, our image and reputation as a whole country is dragged down to the gutter, when here at home, we continue to be incapable of properly managing our own affairs and national life. Btw, if anyone wishes to use this or any part of it to push for national transformation, you are welcome to do so -- even without acknowledging the source. The source of these thoughts on transformation are the many problems and failures of this country, anyway. :p ~ pag may time ^_^
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 07:20:55 +0000

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