**(WHATS ON STEVIES BRAIN)** Today or (This Week) is: (Religious - TopicsExpress


**(WHATS ON STEVIES BRAIN)** Today or (This Week) is: (Religious Hypocrisy) 7/08/2014. The attached VIDEO is a prime example of why religious fundamentalism is hurting the earth and the people who live on it. Next Mars...here we come...SLW :) ALL of this is religious Mumbo Jumbo....send me your comments I welcome them... This is a perfect example both of them supposedly believe in god but I guess the big dudes god is better than the two dudes on bikes god... I am not afraid unlike most people...Call me Mr. Sane Secular.... How many WARS are we going to continue to have over unfounded ancient tales, adopted by many cultures twisted to control the people.... Religion belief influences horror, not by the majority but by the few that actually believe in its prophecy and have the power to force their beliefs onto the majority. We have little reason to think that violence inspired by Bibles and other religious texts will ever cease. You only have to look at the religious wars around the world to see religions everlasting destructive potential. You only have to look at the Protestants vs. Catholics in Ireland, the Bosnian conflicts, the Gulf war (Partially An Oil War), Hindu Muslim tensions in Kashmir, Sudans civil war between Christians and Islamics and currently now active (AGAIN) Palestine (Gaza) vs. Israel and currently Iraq - Syria with ISIS along with (Persian) Iran adding to tensions. People Wake Up and stop drinking the Jim Jones Koolaid... The desperate acts of fanatical individuals who have killed for their beliefs of Jesus, Mohammed, God or (What The Hell) Peter Pan, have created a death list unmatched by any other method in history. The Holy Bible and Koran support the notion of war and destruction, not only as a prophesy but as a moral necessity. If we wish to become a peaceful species, it may well serve us to understand the forces of belief that keep us in continual conflict and why the Bible, Koran and other religious texts have such a stronghold on the minds of people around the world
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 07:30:34 +0000

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