WHEN IT IS YOUR TIME, IT IS YOUR TIME!! I too have struggled - TopicsExpress


WHEN IT IS YOUR TIME, IT IS YOUR TIME!! I too have struggled with feelings of defeat, restlessness, impatience, and being left behind at different points in my life. I remember as a teenager my mother and grandmother not allowing me to date and go to neighborhood events, and I was always upset because I felt like I was missing out on all the great things that many of my friends got to experience. When I got older and left for college, I remember saying to myself, “I am so glad I am not living with ‘MOM DUKES’ anymore.” I had my “freedom” and finally got a taste of the party/club atmosphere during that first year of college. Let me tell you, it’s NOT all it’s cracked up to be! It was so hot and sweaty; people were stepping on my feet and bumping into me, and let’s not even talk about the fellas sliding from one lady to the next trying to see who they could sleep with for the night! All I could remember smelling was the aroma of HOT PERM across the crowded room. The ladies were everywhere!!! Trying to date was even less appealing than partying. All that made me think back to all of the times I argued with my mother and grandmother for making me feel like a recluse causing those defeated feelings. It made me apologize and thank them for being so hard on me. Another time I recall experiencing those same feelings, was the time of choosing my major when it came to graduating from college. After changing majors twice, I started feeling like I would not graduate on time. I started thinking of how my friends would graduate and go off to grad school while I was still an undergrad. As I gathered my thoughts, this made me say to myself, “Well, by the time I graduate undergrad and start grad school, they’ll be finished with grad and land good jobs or go on for their PhDs.” Once again, I continued to feel defeated and overwhelmed. The point I’m trying to make is that if you get into that mindset the way I did, you will always feel defeated and left behind. God didn’t plan for everyone to be at the same level at the same time for all time!!! Imagine a world like that. If everyone is learning and growing at the same pace, then how would we learn from one another? More importantly, how would we get to the next level of where God intended for us to be? I have to remind myself every now and then that I am not in a race with anybody and what’s going on in my life at this point in time is exactly where God wants me to be. Remember that just because someone is ahead of you doesn’t always mean that God helped him get there. God allows us and gives us free will to do things that are not in HIS will. God is there through all of my struggles, set-backs, and pain; and the same applies to you. Just be encouraged today that no matter the struggle, no matter the pain, no matter how many brick walls slow you down or how many doors are slammed in your face, God has not forgotten about you!!! Keep pushing through it all and believing in the unseen (Hebrews 11:1). Even if you feel like you’re not making progress, God is still doing His work in you (Philippians 1:6). When it’s your time to spring forth, believe me, you will spring up and spring forth (Ecclesiastes 3:1)! More importantly, when God builds you up and blesses you with what He has for you, no one will be able to tear it down or away (Jeremiah 29:11). Hope Writer: Pastor Dameian Battle, MBA
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 19:06:28 +0000

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