WHEN THE HEAD IS EDUCATED AND THE MIND IS ILLITERATE, WHAT NEXT? BY:EGBARA JUNIOR As a twenty first-century philosopher I Egbara Junior have percieved in recent time that our problem is not Education but the ignorance of ignorance which is the death of knowledge.” There is a type of illiteracy that threatens us all and i feel concerned to address the challenge that has rubbed the educated heads with illiterates minds. I Egbara is not talking the illiteracy where a person is unable to read. It is, perhaps, the most dangerous and destructive of all the illiteracies. We’ve heard the terms illiterates, semi-illiterates and functional illiterates, and we have a good understanding and awareness of the problems associated with these types of illiteracy. If you have observed illiterate and functionally illiterate individuals, you are aware of the frustration, upset and disappointment caused by their lack of literacy. These individuals are painfully aware of their problem and are not ready to learn even when the head is educated. There is, however, another type of illiterate—one who can be very dangerous and destructive and my statistics shown that 73% of nigerian youths are part of this category because of our sentimental ideas,ethnocentrism,religious beliefe ,pear groups and political ideologies I Egbara view this type of illiteracy as a Hidden illiterate and a tool of a colapse economy this set of illiteracy has blinded many Educated heads to read meanings to words. And to my perception these set of educated heads are not educated because it is very difficult to identify the trace of real education in them and it better to be stack illiterate than to fall under this Buharistic and Tinubulistic set of illiteracy. Hidden illiterates are ignorant of their ignorance; they do not know that they do not know. They do not fully comprehend the information and ideas being received, studied, or applied and are not aware they do not understand. Their actions, feelings and beliefs are founded on their unknown wrong suppositions, ideas and understandings. The problems and results of being a hidden illiterate can range from humorous to disatrous Who are the Hidden Illiterates? Those who thing the entire nation is their estate ,Those who use a photograph of 2015 in a result of 1950,those who submit their original certificate along side with photocopies in time of interview,those who thing electorates are booms and dogs,those who thing Egbara define change as using a dictator as candidate they are many set of people under this category another people here are: the office worker who can’t figure out why his computer erased an important document; the marketing person who cant seem to finish the promotional piece; the dentist whose fillings need to be replaced more often than they should; the mechanic who “fixed” your car three times for the same problem; or the student who works hard studying for a history or biology test but never gets a good grade. The problems caused by hidden illiteracy are seen in products not completed, jobs poorly done, or great potential unrealized. We need to face the stark reality that problems often characterized as “ production” or “ quality” or even “ discipline ” problems may in fact be education problems . A mark of true education is an ability to produce quality products in quantity. Hidden illiteracy blocks quality production, whatever the field of endeavor. In fact, what I Egbara Emmanuel is talking about here is the phenomenon of the misunderstood word, something which American author and educator L. Ron Hubbard discovered is the cause of much social and personal difficulty. “What has not been studied previously or known,” wrote Mr. Hubbard in 1980, “is that the flow of ideas in any message or field of learning can be blocked in such a way as to suppress further understanding or comprehension from that point on. Further, the misunderstood word can even act in such a way as to bring about ignorance, apathy and even revolt. And it will definitely depress productivity.” WRITTEN BY; EGBARA EMMANUEL FOUNDER OF OGOJA YOUTH FORUM.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 08:49:19 +0000

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