. WHERE ARE AN LOT OF QUESTION TO MELVA LINDA CARTER CHILDRENS And from the attack from the grand/children it seem that the old people Like Bruce Carter and them are not really are telling them the real truth, as they thought that what said in that room of Melva Linda Carter in Signing of those form of the Reserves Bank of Australia stay in the room, but things have away of coming out in the long run, like they under aster mated Melva Linda Carter as she told her first cousin uncle Dudley Carter about what have took place in signing those forms of the Reserves Bank of Australia knowing that in time when she is dead that he would tell us the truth. But we was told that she refuses to sign it three time and the fourth time she Melva Linda Carter have sign it and we want to know why that why we had to get on Facebook to push the family like Melva Linda Carter children to come out and have their say about what we was saying, but they didnt come out to have their say only the grand/childrens as they attack but never or they was frighten to show any proof to prove that their grandmother is the daughter of my uncle Telford Unaipon. Only prove that they got nothing to put on the table and that they dont really love their grandmother Melva Linda Carter at all, or frighten to stand by her side. And I hope that you grand/childrens will read this and really look at this and maybe you will understand when you accuses me of talking about your grandmother you are accusing yourselves, because you set quite for 20 years and in those years you have really ask those question in really that our grandmother father are really are Telford Unaipon and that we are the member of the Unaipon family. And ask for proof to prove that or where can we get the proof to prove that we are, like her Birth Certificate of Point McLeay Mission Council, the Rigney Genealogy Family Tree Book that was written up be her first cousin Doreen Maude Kartinyeri as she printed it and public it in 1989, and it was also written up in 1966 by Jo Lane and Marlane Rigney, When I was told that Melva Linda Carter is the one that they pro-claim to be the daughter of my uncle Telford Unaipon I know first I had to do the Research to get these Document or any Documentation to back my argument up and it didnt take me long to get them and as an Aboriginal Activists I didnt come out loud mouth in talking out loud all those I know that she wasnt my uncle Telford Unaipon daughter I still had to get the proof to back me up and when I was told that she refuses 3 time and sign it on the 4th time I know that we had to get on Facebook and attack the family of Melva Linda Carter to find out about the 3 time that she refuses to sign those forms of the Reserves Bank of Australia and sign it on the 4th time, we have put it up and got the grand/childrens attacking us but not Melva Linda Carter children, WHY not her childrens then one time Melva Linda Carter Elders daughter Judith Kropinyeri come out on NITV News but only come out and talk if they cover her face and all she said that it over so get an live Chirpy Campbell, and never produces any proof of document to prove that her mother is the daughter of our uncle Telford Unaipon. And I couldnt see her at all. 1. First they got her to sign those forms of the Reserves Bank Of Australia by using black mail on her. 2. As your grandmother have told only the family friends that she can trust and that her first cousin uncle Dudley Carter all about that day of signing those Federal Reserves Bank of Australia, about what took place of that day. 3. As those other Aboriginal family that was there, through that what said in that room stay in that room. But they under estimate your grandmother Melva Linda Carter and to get things straight here its not me that still talking about your grandmother, its you the grand/childrens from not believing in your grandmother and not standing by her side and doing the research into her side, as I did in firstly doing research about her Birth Certificate to find out who the name they have put in her Birth Certificate in the father column Rolland Carter in 1935, as there are no document or any documentation of proof to prove that my uncle Telford Unaipon is her father and then coming out with the truth that she isnt the daughter of our uncle Telford Unaipon and that the Chairman of Point McLeay Mission Henry Rankine have lied about her being Telford Unaipon daughter and that he didnt produces any real proof to prove or back him ups, and you the grand/childrens in not believing in your grandmother and not standing by her side and doing the research into her side and then coming out with the truth that she isnt the daughter of our uncle Telford Unaipon and that the Chairman of Point McLeay Mission Henry Rankine have lied about her being Telford Unaipon daughter and that he didnt produces any real proof to prove or back him up. Its time that some one of the member of her grand/children have the real guts and start standing by your grandmother and do the right thing and if you do that we slow down in written times about your grandmother on Facebook and wait until the Federal Court because as we said we are fighting for our uncle Telford Unaipon and our grandfather David Unaipon to get justice for them in clearing those big conspiracy of lies against them once and for all. They are trying to convince people around the world that Aboriginal people are getting an fair deal in Australia just like the white invaders do well when you read this of just how they give my grandfather David Unaipon an fair deal in putting him on the $50 Dollar Note and they did it with no sold proof to prove that this Aboriginal women name Melva Linda Carter to be the daughter of my grandfather nephew and my uncle Telford Unaipon only an LETTER with no Substances of proof to prove that she is, you see I Allan Chirpy Campbell can prove who I am to my grandfather David Unaipon, but she Melva Linda Carter, family and friends cant produces any document or any documentation to prove that she is, because there are nothing to produces the proof in proving it. Now that the Federal & the State and the white Business have got this things in place like the Closing of the Gap, Fair go for Aboriginal people, Reconciliation, we Aboriginal people have been saying that the Buck stop here with them the Federal & the State and the white Business and they have got to stop cheating Aboriginal people in setting up an Conspiracy of Lies when they make an Business Deal with Aboriginal people so that they can pay them Tea-Leaf, Floor and Dripping like they have done back in the 1920 to today and they cant say that this isnt true as they and you just look at my grandfather on the Fifty Dollar Note when then Reserves Bank of Australia Acting Governor Bob Rankin and the Chairman Henry Rankine of the Point McLeay Mission have pro-claim that Melva Linda Carter is the daughter of his nephew and my uncle Telford Unaipon to get her to sign those forms of the Reserves Bank of Australia; with no proof or any document or any documentation what so ever to prove that she is the daughter. An Old True Blue Aboriginal Ngarrindjeri Ramindjeri Elder Leader of the Pulami, Unaipon, and the Campbell Family Clans Warrior Active. . ................................................................ ............................................................................
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 10:24:54 +0000

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