WHERE DOES THE SCIENCE OF ASTROLOGY COME FROM? Well, there was no singular science known simply as Astrology. For centuries, the two disciplines of Astrology and Astronomy were interconnected. Astral theology, which applies personalities and causal effects onto celestial bodies, defining certain planetary gods such as Zeus (Jupiter), was an important subject in Mesopotamia and continued all the way through to the Greek & Roman Empires. To the ancient scientists, the ONLY REASON why astronomy studied the various celestial bodies was so that astrological PREDICTIONS could be made. The modern practice of dividing a circle into 360 degrees, of 60 minutes each, began with the Sumerians. Classical sources frequently use the term Chaldeans to describe the astronomers of ancient Mesopotamia. They were primarily Sky Watchers, whose ability to foretell the movements of the sun, moon and planets, gave them influence and thus they established themselves as wise priests. These priesthoods developed into an administrative monarchy, and the entire kingdom was eventually ruled by the Chaldeans. By the time of the reign of King Nabonassar (747–733 BC) - who possibly murdered and usurped the Chaldean astrological priesthood leaders - Babylonian astronomical diaries were so precise and detailed that they had identified a repeating 18-year cycle of lunar eclipses. These eclipses, being as they were ominous, and which could be foretold to the minute by the Elite - gave rise to their power being respected across a vast geographical area. The power of kinghood therefore has a root in a combined science which has since been split into two disciplines; Astronomy and Astrology.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 00:32:07 +0000

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