WHERE IS THE MAN,WHERE IS HIS HUMANITY ? WRITER: ULFAT ANJAN WANI a piece for Sachnews Jammu Kashmir: Man, known as the crown of all creation has become savage with the passage of time and lost this noble title.Man, because of his greedy and selfish nature is not only polluting divine humanity but the divine nature as well.We claim to be civilized citizens of this glorious century but the reality is that we have become mere machines without human feelings. Modern man has numberless friends, relatives and the so called well wishers but he is still alone helplessly searching for the peace of his restless mind.No doubt he appears to be well mannered and decent at face but at the inside there dwells a beast devoid of all humanity and innocence.He shakes hands with his friend with a smiling face but his heart fails to accompany the smile.His invitations to friends ,relatives etc. are merely for show and there is no true invitation from the inner heart. Man, due to his materialistic instincts has worked havoc with his peace of mind and this instinct has placed him in the middle of savage wilderness.Todays man is jealous of his brothers progress and his neighbours good living and this jealousy is burning him inside taking him close to vultures and beasts.He has polluted his divine state with dirty businesses of cheating, deception, killing, corruption, etc and himself created for himself a hell in this heaven like world.How greedy and selfish is man! Man is not only harming his fellow beings but destroying the noble and blessed nature as well.In urban areas the so called fashionable homes and advantagious industries are contaminating this pure nature.The poisonous smokes/gasses are disturbing this home of innocence pure(Nature).The small drains by the side of fashionable roads carrying abominable human material(excretory material) tortures the very soul of man.The stink is polluting the very fragrance of darling nature and tormenting the health -giving environment. In rural areas we find laterines/toilet points being constructed on river banks and the water so pure and pious is getting degraded and polluted.The general ways have attained the position of huge dustbins and at every step your feet encounter heaps of dirty garbage and stinking refuse and you have no option but to keep a hanky on your mouth and nose and walk on. How can then we expect bounties from this nature we are torturing with our own hands,and how can Almighty bless us with contented and healthful states when our hearts are indifferent to His most precious gift -Nature. To lead happy and contented lives we have to change our attitude towards our fellow beings and be kind to each and every creation of Almighty Allah.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 07:38:51 +0000

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