.....WHITE-EARTHLINGS OF THIS PLANET EARTH TODAY WILL BECAUSE OF DEFAULT-ACTING-GENETIC-INHERITANCE WOULD DENY THE REAL-LIFE-EXISTENCE OF RACISM AMONG THEMSLEVES BUT WILL ACCUSE OF RACIM EVERYWHERE US....BUT IN PRIVACY OF WHITE-EARTHLINGS DAILY-LIFE THE AUTO-ACTING-INHERITANCE-GENES RACISM SURFACES NATURALLY...in the same way RACISM surfaces among all Earthling-communities where there is INEQUITIES IN UNIVERSAL-WELFARE-WELLBEING-IN-MAN-MADE-PROGRAMS.... ....why the above is a LIFE-TRUTH representing the Creators universal life-design-sciences auto-acting-life-ecorithms?.....read this in USAs Washington Postnewspaper - one of the leading USA daily newspaper: In meetings with residents, Holder shared his own stories of being pulled over and accosted by police while growing up in New York City — and of being skeptical of police even while serving as a federal prosecutor in Washington. “I understand that mistrust. I am the attorney general of the United States. But I am also a black man,” Holder said during an appearance at Florissant Valley Community College. “I think about my time in Georgetown — a nice neighborhood of Washington — and I am running to a picture movie at about 8 o’clock at night. I am running with my cousin. Police car comes driving up, flashes his lights, yells ‘where you going? Hold it!’ I say, ‘Whoa, I’m going to a movie.... ....keep reading at the hyperlink below and pray that among the Earthlings today the While-Earthlings are inspired to correct their age-old thinking-minds understanding that: ANYONE WITH WHITE-SKIN OF WESTERN-EARTHLNG PLUS BELIEVING IN CHRISTIANITY REIGNS-SUPREME-IN-ALL-LIFE-MATTERS OVER OTHER EARTHLIGS WHO DO NOT HAVE THESE BODY-MIND CHARACTERISTICS.....plus adhering to the age-old notion even in the western-science-world that: TO THINK-TALK ABOUT RACISM IS ABHORENT-CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY:.....
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 22:22:35 +0000

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