WHO BESIDES THE MILLIONAIRES- RAHMIE (TheEmperor Emanuel) AND RAUNER, THAT SOLD US OUT TO THE KOCH BROS. CAN PAY THE ENERGY BILLS-FORMERLY COMM EDISON and PEOPLES GAS- NOW INTEGRYS ENERGY-OWNED BY THE KOCH BROS!!!! OUR RATES HAVE DOUBLED AND ARE ABOUT TO TRIPLE!!! THIS IS REALLY THE NIGHTMARE FROM HELL!!! OUR GAS RATES HAVE DOUBLED AND ARE SUPPOSED TO DOUBLE AGAIN!!!!!!!! Rahm Emanuel and Bruce Rauner Koch Bros. pals? ISNT IT BIZARRE THAT RAHMIE BOY-mayor,(Emanuel-aka the emperor) HAS SIGNED UP CHICAGOANS FOR INTEGRYS ENERGY-ELECTRIC WHO ALSO TOOK OVER PEOPLES GAS AND OTHER ILL. GAS COMPANIES, and we ARE NOW PAYING DOUBLE THE RATES OF 2 MONTHS AGO???? DID YOU KNOW WHO OWNS INTEGRYS ENERGY???? THE KOCH BROS..!!!!!!! YES! THOSE SAME TEA-PARTY/ALEC SLEAZEBAGS TRYING TO RUN THIS COUNTRY INTO THE GROUND@!!!! GEE RAHMIE, HOW MUCH DID YOU GET OUT OF THIS DEAL AND HOW MUCH ARE YOU GETTING IN CAMPAIGN AND OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THEM???? WHAT A DIRTBAG EMANUEL IS!!! HE HAS TO GO!!!! f course, like all modern wealth managment millionaires, Rauner made his money by accounting gimmicks and legerdemain. Hes charged extorbinant consultation fees and clipped money from Pensioners, while mismanaging public pension funds. Just like Mitt Romney and other so-called Capitalists, Rauner made his money the old-fashioned way... He Stole It. Now that hes skimmed off millions hes quick to lambast Illinois underfunded pension liability. When those excess benefits are being paid out to government employees, taxpayers lose. Bruce Rauner Yeah, lazy Teachers! Working for 30 years and then expecting a pension, whereas Rauners Role as a Rentier, extracting $100 million from the Pensions over the last 3 years alone, is beautiful capitalism at work of which hes proud. GTCR has raised the largest percentage portion of its money from public pension funds. Pensions supplied half to two-thirds of the firms funds according to Rauners own estimate. His former partners decline to comment, citing a state prohibition on asset managers who receive public money from trying to influence elections. A month ago, Bruce Rauner pledged at a Downstate candidates’ forum that if elected governor he would reduce the state’s minimum wage by $1 to make it equal to the federal rate in an effort to make Illinois more economically competitive. I made a mistake. I was flippant and I was quick. I should have said, Tie the Illinois minimum wage to the national wage and, in that context, with other changes in being pro-business, I support raising the national minimum wage. I’m OK with that, said the Republican from Winnetka. Key words to remember are to make Illinois Pro-Business, that means crushing labor. Modern day Capitalists view labor as an unnecessary expense. One of the long sought after goals of the 1%, in pursuit of a Wage Slave State, has been the total defeat of Labor. Here in Illinois weve seen many times business try and strong-arm the Governor and Legislature (Sears Inc., CME Group and Office Max) in Pay-to-Play and the Race-to-the-Bottom schemes. In fact, Illinois Residents overwhelmingly want Fair Tax Legislation passed in which Corporations and Millionaires, like Rauner, pay their fair share of taxes instead of receivi From: K
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 08:07:48 +0000

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