WHO IS A CHRISTIAN This looks like a simple question but it is - TopicsExpress


WHO IS A CHRISTIAN This looks like a simple question but it is not. Many people would tell you they are Christians because they are born in Christian homes; they attend church and have their names on the membership roll call of the church. The truth however, is that the fact that one is born in a Christian home and to Christian parents does not make him a Christian just as the fact that one is born in a barrack does not make him a soldier. You must be recruited to become a soldier just as you must be recruited to be a Christian! The fact that you are deep into Christian activities does not also mean that you are a Christian. Many people who claim Christianity do not really know what they are talking about. There is a popular miracle worker Pastor in Lagos, Nigeria. This man has a very beautiful church and a large congregation. Many press men when writing about him refer to him as a Christian leader. However, when this man was interviewed, he made a declaration which was to the effect that he was born a Christian. This man from his confession has made it clear that he was not a Christian. Nobody is born a Christian. The Bible teaches clearly that ‘’ … in sin did my mother conceive me and in sin was I born’’ (Psalm51; 5). This is so basic and fundamental to Christianity that there is no way a person who is ignorant of it can be a Christian. Everybody that is born of a woman is born a sinner. A sinner is not a Christian and a Christian is not a sinner. BUT WHO IS A CHRISTIAN The disciples of Jesus Christ were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts11; 26). This means a follower of Jesus Christ. It is unbelievers that called us Christians but according to their limited knowledge of us. So who are we? A CHRISTIAN IS BORN AGAIN This means the person had a conscious definite encounter with Jesus Christ. Paul the apostle had his own definite encounter with Jesus Christ on his was to Damascus (Acts9; 3). This experience can only happen to a person who has reached the age of consciousness and accountability. It does not happen to little Children who do not yet know there left from their right. The requirement of becoming born again is so critical to Christianity that nobody is a Christian when he is not born again. Born again mean spiritual birth (John3; 5) which enables you to live a spirit life. The thrust is that God is spirit and nobody can relate with Him if he is not a spirit. Born again, means that you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, after you must have confessed and repented of your sins. Nobody would ever become a Christian without repentance and the fact that you raised up your hand to accept Jesus Christ in a great Christian meeting does not really mean you have repented! Repentance is so cardinal and crucial to establishing a relationship with God to the point that Jesus says one must either repent or perish (Luke 13; 3 and 5). A CHRISTIAN IS A SPIRIT Until you become born again you are ordinary flesh made of clay or dust. This means you are a palatable food for the serpent (devil) (Genesis3; 14) and the devil can eat you up as a right any time he desires. However, when you become born again you automatically become a spirit being (John3;6) that can rout the devil and cast him to the abyss. A CHRISTIAN IS A CHILD OF GOD Because a Christian is born again he is a child of God (John1; 12). This means that God’s DNA runs in you and that which cannot defeat God is no longer permitted to defeat you. It means the ability of God is injected into you. A CHRISTIAN IS A GOD When you become born again you aren’t just a spirit, you become a Child of God and since like begets like, you become a god (Psalm82;6; John10;34). The kid of a goat is a goat; the kid of a lion is a lion and the kid of a human being is a human being so, God’s kid is a god. A CHRISTIAN IS A CITIZEN OF HEAVEN Beyond the country of his biological birth, a Christian is a citizen of heaven (Philippians3; 20) and he is spiritually raised and seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ (Ephesians2; 4-6). This means the devil now lives only beneath you. It means you have the right to crush the devil and cast him away. It means that witches and wizards have lost the power to feast on your blood. It means the devil is so cheap that you have no reason to fear him. It means the devil has no legal right to overpower you. A CHRISTIAN IS AN AMBASSADOR OF JESUS CHRIST When you become a Christian you not only become a citizen of heaven, you also become an ambassador (2Corithians5; 20) of Jesus Christ here on earth. It means other people should see the grace and glory of God fully in operation in your life. It means you are representing Christ here on earth and as such, you are not permitted to suffer the shame and humiliation worldly people suffer. It means your good conducts and works should be so manifest as to show that you represent Jesus Christ. A CHRISTIAN HAS THE RIGHT TO LIVE IN GOOD HEALTH A Christian has the right to live in good health (3John2). The Bible teaches that it is God’s wish and of course his will that a Christian lives in health not in the grave or in sickness. Sickness is not good but God is a good God and a good God cannot bring sickness. Do not try to rationalize that God is giving you sickness to humble you. No earthly parent would give a child ordinary headache in order to punish him and the Bible says if human beings who are evil cannot do that then how can God do it? The sickness or untimely death of a Christian is not from God and is not the will of God. It is the devil and in most cases he cashed on the ignorance of the Christian. On the cross Jesus did not only pay for our sins, he also paid for our bodies, for our good health (Isaiah55; 3) and 1peter2; 24 says, ‘’… by His stripes ye were healed.’’ It is not that you are going to be healed. It is that you are already healed. A CHRISTIAN HAS THE RIGHT TO PROSPER A Christian has the right to live his life in prosperity, in opulence and in plenty. He has the right to prosper in anything he puts his hands to do (3John2). It also means that he has the right to unusual affluence (Joel2; 22-26 and Isaiah61;1-11). However, this is only a right which must be claimed. A CHRISTIAN IS RIGHTEOUS AND HOLY It is not that a Christian would become righteous and holy some day. It is that he is already fully righteous and holy (Romans 4; 22-24 and 1peter 2;9). Righteousness and holiness is only obtainable by faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible says that Abraham believed God and it was counted for him as righteousness (Roman 4;3). This means only a Christian has the power of God that enables him live a righteous and holy life. However, the evidence that one is righteous and holy is that he must live a righteous and holy life. ONLY A CHRISTIAN HAS THE RIGHT TO EXPECT A BETTER LIFE Because a Christian is righteous, he alone has the exclusive preserve of living in anticipation of a greater and brighter tomorrow (Isaiah 3;10). This is why proverbs 4;18 says, ‘’but the path of the just shinneth as the light that shinneth more and more unto the perfect day.’’ If you are a Christian you must never have a better last year. Wishing your friend or relations a better tomorrow is mere sentiment. A person who is not born again cannot validly live a life of positive anticipation. He only lives in hesitation. A goat living under the roof of a butcher cannot be talking about long or good life! A CHRISTIAN HAS BEEN REDEEMED FROM EVERY CURSE When you become born again every curse over your life is defeated. See how Galatians 3;13-14 puts it, ‘’ Christ had redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree. That the blessings of Abraham might come on the gentiles through Jesus Christ…’’ So when you become a Christian all curses from your sins or from those of your forefathers are redeemed. You now become a candidate of God’s matchless blessings. A CHRISTIAN HAS THE SPIRIT OF GOD When you become a Christian the Spirit of God would start living in your heart (2Corinthians 1;22; Ephesians 1;13 and Ephesians 4;30). This means that the Christian carry God in his inside. It means ever abiding presence of God. The problem is that many Christians often forget or neglect this fact. Think about it, while Jesus was here on his earthly ministry, none of His disciples had ordinary headache because He was in their midst. How much more now that He lives in you? Can you imagine that God is in you and you are carrying Him into a doctor’s operation theatre! This would never happen if you know who you are, what you carry inside you and more importantly, if you believe in it. A CHRISTIAN HAS ETERNAL LIFE It is not that God is going to give him eternal life some day. It is that he already has it (1John5;11-12). The Bible teaches that God has already given us (Christians) eternal life. This is God’s own kind of life that makes us unmolestable, unharassable and indestructible by the devil and his cohorts. Eternal life begins here on earth when you are born again and would continue forever in heaven. A CHRISTIAN IS A SIGN AND A WONDER This is why ungodly people and ordinary church people see us as strange people. This is why they find it difficult to comprehend and understand us. This is why they are always surprised when we share numerous testimonies. This is why they find it unimaginable that the dead are raised back to life or that a woman whose womb has been damaged and removed still conceived and bore children! Jesus puts it this way in Jonh3;8, ‘’ the wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou heareth the sound there of, but cannot tell where it is coming from and where it is going. So is every one that is born of the Spirit of God.’’ This is why we encounter signs and wonders during our outreaches almost on daily basis. The sick is miraculously healed by the power of God, evil spirits are dislodged and vanquished in hell, and curses are routed and broken as we manifest spiritual gifts. YOU WANT TO BE PART OF IT? Then get born again. Repent and accept Jesus now as your Lord and Savior. Life is a burden, terrible burden without Jesus Christ. Without Jesus life is a colossal, monumental hazardous waste. Without Jesus life is brutish and short. YOUR LIFE WITHOUT JESUS IS SHATTERED DREAM! Christianity is not in title or activities. It is not in linage or biological affiliation. It is a spiritual relationship with God which is a product of man’s desperate and inescapable need for God. GOD DOESN’T NEED YOU OR ME FOR ANYTHING BUT YOU AND I NEED GOD FOR EVERYTHING! FOR PRAYERS AND COUNSELLING, PLEASE CALL +2347036961140.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:15:16 +0000

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