WHO MAKES YOU SMILE? “My dear friend Sebastian died in - TopicsExpress


WHO MAKES YOU SMILE? “My dear friend Sebastian died in December. We worked together, and were best friends. Sebastian always used a personal greeting with me. Whenever hed come by my desk, he would smile and say, ‘ARE YA HAPPY?’ The day I found out Sebastian had passed, I was in shock. I left work, prayed for a sign from God, that SOME ESSENCE OF SEBASTIAN WOULD STILL SURVIVE, in spirit, and that somehow my grief could be heard. I had a package that had to get mailed. I didnt feel up to it, but decided to go to the post office anyway. As I stood in line, A BIG MAN in front of me, about the size of Sebastian, turned and casually asked, ‘ARE ‘YA HAPPY?’ I nearly fainted. I thought I didn’t hear him right. Fumbling for words, I finally spilled out: ‘Im overwhelmed!’ He smiled gently, turned, and moved forward in line. I haven’t heard that phrase used often, except with my dear Sebastian. Its not a typical greeting. I wanted to believe that, somehow, God and Sebastian were reaching out to me from beyond. I left the post office feeling surreal; still unconvinced, still holding onto my grief and pain; still shrugging it off as “just a coincidence.” Days later my son and I were at McDonalds. An older woman chatted us up, and suddenly paused. She looked at me, and said, Theres a book I sense you need.” She wrote the title and authors name on an envelope. I kept it until I got home. I was going to throw it away … not feeling like any pep talks. But, I kept it. On Christmas morning, I opened a gift from my sister, Dorothy. And there it was … that very book! When God Winks at You: How God Speaks Directly to You Through the Power of Coincidence, by SQuire Rushnell. I excitedly SHOWED MY SISTER THE NOTE given to me by the lady I’d met at McDonald’s. Now IT ALL MAKES SENSE. It’s a comfort to know that hearing Sebastians phrase, ‘Are ‘Ya Happy, was no coincidence: it was a GOD WINK!!! Janet Marie Withers •••• Janet’s JOY in receiving the godwink helped her overcome her sadness for the loss of Sabastian. But, I think she learned something WE EACH NEED TO REMEMBER: HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE. So ask yourself, “Are ‘ya happy?” If the answer is no, ask, “Do I want to be?” The Ancient Scriptures advise us: “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 (NIV) Good Wishes for Godwinks! SQuire
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 00:50:00 +0000

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