WHO WANT TO RULE WHO IN FAILED ONE NIGERIA; IS IT ABOUT GOOD GOVERNANCE OR CONTINUATION OF REGIONAL DOMINANCE CUM BUSINESS AS USUAL; AS A PRECIPE FOR WAR: Most people or those so called Nigerians with series of privately inducements cum aligning political and business interests while lying and pretending to be true Nigerians, in the huge face of such deception and massive historical contradictions, but in practical truth and glaring evidences, base on the current obvious realities, there is nothing like one Nigeria now, because it is clinically dead. Majority of these black human species of human universal creation that were forced into occupied Nigerian “Territory” thrive on inglorious corruption infested lifestyles and evil prone blackmailing machinations of “good governance in Nigeria” were merely preventing the breakdown of Nigeria, to be widely globally accepted once and for all. For stating the above reality, we have continue to face insults and massive abuses from the so called lady flora Lugard named Nigerians, who may possess tinning cognitive thinking faculties and those among them who were professional serial opportunists and stomach contractors who knows the above truth but consciously sweep them under the carpet because it would be inimical to their private interests and agendas for what they want to continue to use the current evil one Nigeria to achieved. I am expecting more people to remove people like us as friends on the social media network and declare us as sworn enemies of themselves and their failed country named Nigeria by a foreign lady, but we are telling you to do the worst. We are not the ones who lead the destructive foundation for your artificial country, you successive national leaders does. We would never stop doing what we are doing until our people are set free from Lugardarian fake one Nigeria, under the practice of universal truth and universal homogeneity. The truth must be affirmed always, by those who think they possess the moral disciplines and intellectual capacities to do so. They either take this or leave it. Moreover, the earlier everybody prepares for the inevitable in failed one Nigeria, the better for them, their families and their parts of the dead one Nigeria. We would never again because of what we are supposed to benefits or gains out from the daily political criminalize politics of survival in Nigeria, sweep the truth concerning the Nigerian unity breakdown under the carpet, as successive political class and the current ones are doing, including their retired military counterparts and some already bought over members of the fake Nigerian civil society and the human rights community respectively, have been doing since late pre-independence era till date, from the over arrogance superior North and the cowardice subordinated south. The earlier everybody accept the above reality, the better prepared they would be, especially among zones and regions that has continue to insist that they possess capacities to survive and developed on their own, so as to end the unending long seasons of un-necessary killings, poverty, and huge confusion over which of the regions must rule Nigeria come 2015, and the commotion over issues relating to who exercise political control over the others, and others issues not mentioned here, due to over emphasize of obvious national contradictions, which must be resolve once and for all. If the core north or the north in general and some of their southern confederate do not want a Niger-Deltan leadership of Nigeria again, to rule over them and the people from their Regions, they should be courageous and be practical in truthfulness in their demands ,writes the United Nations and foreign friends of Nigeria and communicate such to the federal government of Nigeria and other Regions or zones in Nigeria, instead of hiding under the cover of good governance for so called Nigeria people, the same they had under-developed for 38 years, including the poverty stricken people from their own region and not to talk about the people from various zones and Regions within the failed Nigerian federation. But, it must be pointed out and be noted by the north that majority of the Yorubas and not the hausa-fulani among us with Yoruba names, also are familiar and conversant with the Yoruba ugly episodes under northern leadership of Nigeria and what our some of our leaders and people suffered in the hands of core-northern leadership and the current Tinubu segment supports to the north via their alliance with some hegemonists and feudal lords to change Nigeria positively, as they said, is a mere political gimmick and distractions begging the question of whether the Yoruba nation want to be ruled by the core-north again under un-restructured one Nigeria or remain in united Nigeria as presently constituted. More so, currently, the majority of the people from the Igbo Nation have already embraced massively in practical terms, the re-emergence of a sovereign state of Biafra, a process which also demonstrated that they also do not want to be ruled again by the core-north and the others. While the Niger-delta people and freedom fighters, liberation Army and gallant revolutionaries are waiting for the so called Nigerians looking for change to translate their gang-up against one of their own, Currently occupying the stinking Aso-Rock in Abuja, as president, of failed one Nigeria, not to succeed in his second term project, as they are ready to say goodbye to one Nigeria, as they also do not want to be ruled by the core-north and the others again. In realistic terms, no part of failed one Nigeria, want to be ruled by the others again, because, none of these zones can predicts the hidden agenda of one Region against the others. What is supposed to be the promotion of the British bond of elites compromise of keeping their loot “one Nigeria forever campaign has finally breaking down” How can a country have change without the fundamental resolution of its artificial national contradictions via the Re –introduction of autonomous Regional system, True-Federalism and resource control instead of the mischievous gang-up of a phantom calls for change and deception called power must return to the north campaign. The alternative to radical reforms via restructuring of Nigeria is inevitable peaceful or violent breakup, of no longer wanted and fake one Nigeria for the few. Join us on Friday,28th of November, at Compass newspaper complex after OPIC, after Ojota Berger bus stop, as the Yoruba nation will be meeting in a general Assembly to discuss current events in Nigeria and chart ways forward for our race. You all as Yorubas are welcome to this historic dialogue. At 11 am For Organizers; Ogbeni Makanjuola Adigun Muhammed. For more information, please call 08034253639 oduduwanation.org Truth is the summit of Being.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 10:40:10 +0000

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