WHO WANTS CANCER?? DISEASE? HOW ABOUT A CHRONIC COLD OR BRONCHITIS? Unfortunately, the American lifestyle is a breeding ground for all that and more. Have you seen the statistics lately? What gives me the deer-in-headlights look is WHY people INSIST on diets that further increase their chances of cancer and disease and more. All the fad diets do is induce fear.....its the perfect marketing campaign for the Atkins, Paleo, South Beach, Juice-for-life, Lose-50-pounds-in-a-month diets. NONE of these diets are SUSTAINABLE. How many times have you uttered these words, I have GOT to get back on my (insert fad diet word here) diet! Yea, you got off of it because it sucked. Admit it. I cannot count how many people finally texted or called me and said, I cant do this Paleo stuff anymore; I think I need to start eating some oatmeal. The issue? SUSTAINABILITY! And THIS is where Stringbeans Kitchen comes in. We are about a LIFESTYLE of eating and drinking and LIVING in a way that we can do today and when we are 100. Not a quick fix; a LIFESTYLE. We are living longer now. And I dont know about you, but I am not interested in keeping a massive, plastic Monday-Sunday pill box on my table. Why are they so big now?? Our earth is already LOADED with the foods we need to prevent and fight cancer, disease, even the common cold. These foods, simply, are FRUITS, VEGETABLES, NUTS, WHOLE GRAINS and they are absolutely chocked FULL of everything we need to NOT become a victim of disease. You CAN alter your genetic code. You do not have to accept that you will get cancer just because one of your parents did. So stop now and take a look at what you are EATING. Where are your fruits and vegetables and how many did you have today? Put down the fear plastered all over the grocery store magazines and start using some common sense. This is your LIFE, people. Lets live it well and help our family and friends to live it well. All this week, SBK will be tackling this issue and posting recipes for good foods, SIMPLE foods, that help you get on track to protect your body. There is also a blog coming soon to help change lives and bad habits and promote a lifestyle that supports an overall healthy well being. Dont you just want to feel awesome ALL the time??
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 11:56:45 +0000

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