WHOS YOUR FAVORITE TO WIN OSCAR FOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR? BARKHAD ABDI in Captain Phillips ; BRADLEY COOPER in American Hustle ; MICHAEL FASSBENDER in 12 Years a Slave ; JONAH HILL in The Wolf of Wall Street ; JARED LETO in Dallas Buyers Club This is a hard one. A very hard one to choose, as its (supposed to be) a close race. And I am fortunate to have watched all the performances to pick my own stand. Bradley Cooper has two consecutive great years at the Oscar. I like him as an actor, but he is my least favorite to win in this category. He was good in Hustle, but I just dont think his performance here was that great of an Oscar material. Barkhad Abdi was a pleasant surprise this year. A new comer with no acting background, but directly gets the spotlight and hot seat. He was very good in Phillips and I enjoyed his natural performance as the pirate leader, who could level up with the acting of Tom Hanks. It is not impossible for him to be a big surprise in the Oscar night, especially he just won BAFTA. Michael Fassbender is a very fine actor, he continuously gave great performances. And he was one of the great things in 12 Years a Slave, delivered a solid and memorable performance as the cruel and heartless plantation owner. Loved him. He is a close contender to win in this category. Jared Leto seems to be above the wind right now in this race. A crowd and the critics obvious choice, and most likely he will win the night. As the transgender AIDS patient in Dallas, everybody agree now that he gave a praiseworthy performance, but for me, again I dont know, it is just not my favorite (supporting) performance of the year, nor in this group (honestly speaking, he is not even in my top 3 favorites in this list). Of course he was good as Rayon, no doubt, but I just dont think his character here was a total standout and that greatly memorable, that will make me fall in love and remember for years to come. As the top contender of this list and a sure win for many people, his performance was nothing like Christoph Waltz in Inglourious Basterds, or Christian Bale in The Fighter, or Javier Bardem in No Country for Old Men, or Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, that many people would gone mad if they had lose. Well, I was not a fan of Jonah Hill in the past. But since Moneyball, and now Wolf, I started to dig him as a very good actor. And his performance in Wolf was just a blast. As Donnie Azoff, he was hilarious, terrific and so much fun to watch, who can keep up with the game of DiCaprio, and led all the madness in this movie into a total chaos. Really, really loved and enjoyed his natural performance. Great acting. Brilliant performance. So memorable, cant get him out of my mind everytime I think of Wolf. This is a really close call. - If using my logic, then I will close my eyes and just pick Jated Leto, the crowd choice, who has the biggest chance to win. - If using my thought, then I will choose Michael Fassbender (and I will be very happy if he wins). - But if using my heart, then I will go with Jonah Hill, my most favorite performance in this group this year, even though I am smart enough to know that he has a lesser chance to win. Anyway, where is the fun if you just choose what everybody likes, if he is not actually your favorite. So, it is clear in my heart and my one shot goes with JONAH HILL for the winner. (MJ)
Posted on: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 15:34:54 +0000

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