WHY DOES ANYONE VOTE REPUBLICAN ???????? Over and Over each day - TopicsExpress


WHY DOES ANYONE VOTE REPUBLICAN ???????? Over and Over each day we see HATE, OBSTRUCTION and zero respect for the American People. Republicans keep attacking Minorities, Women, Seniors, Veterans and the Working People of this country. From the Article: However, even Scalia’s jurisprudence is apparently too liberal for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who announced Monday afternoon that he will file a bill overturning the decision. As The Hill reports, Cruz will file an amendment to the Senate immigration bill that would reverse the decision and allow states to require proof of citizenship in order to register and vote. Cruz also warned on his Facebook page that Monday’s decision “encourages voter fraud,” despite the fact that you are far more likely to be struck by lightning than to commit voter fraud. Though this amendment is highly unlikely to pass, particularly on the heels of the Supreme Court decision, it would have disastrous consequences if it were to sneak through. At least 11 percent of all Americans don’t have a photo ID. Among Latinos the number rises to 1 in 5, and among African Americans it’s 1 in 4. Requiring citizens to show their birth certificate or a photo ID before allowing them to vote would result in widespread disenfranchisement, particularly among minorities.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 03:23:38 +0000

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