WHY THIS WORKSHOP? We are hurting our students and ourselves! - TopicsExpress


WHY THIS WORKSHOP? We are hurting our students and ourselves! Its not our intention, but most yoga teachers and their students are unaware of what incorrect alignment, repetitive joint stress and failure to use our core muscles correctly are doing to our bodies over time. And unfortunately, students and teachers who have a regular home practice are at even greater risk. 1) 50-75% of hip operations in the US are now for female dancers or yoga practitioners. And a 2010 European medical conference specifically linked Femoroacetabular Impingement to yoga practitioners. FIA is the repeated striking of hip bones and over time leads to, damaged cartilage, inflammation, pain and crippling arthritis.[1] 2) Repetitive joint strain is also prevalent as students rely on the joints as opposed to the surrounding muscles to support them. Toronto sports medicine physician, Dr. Raza Awan agrees and shares that The most common yoga-related injuries he sees in patients are rotator cuff tendonitis and tears; spinal disc injuries in the low back and neck; cartilage tears in the knee; hamstring strain and tears; and wrist injuries.[2] 3) Lower back strain from mechanical stress is also a risk as most students do not perform twists, back bends and forward folds correctly. This repetitive mechanical stress causes tiny tears, over time resulting in deterioration of the lumbar discs.[3] As yoga instructors, we have the ability to either help or harm our students. This workshop will give you the knowledge and skills so that you can ensure yoga is a safe and healthy part of your & your students lives. It is intended for students, new teachers and seasoned teachers!
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:03:12 +0000

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