WHY YOU NEED TREVO DRINK In a fast-food nation filled with - TopicsExpress


WHY YOU NEED TREVO DRINK In a fast-food nation filled with drive-through lunches and frozen-food dinners, many Nigerians eat too little of the right foods and too much of the wrong ones. Rising blood pressure and cholesterol levels, in addition to the increasing obesity rate in Nigeria, is attributed to poor nutrition and exercise. Following a healthy diet, by taking Trevo produces powerful physical and psychological benefits. Trevo Supports Weight Management: Trevo Drink can help with weight management or maintenance. Regardless of whether or not you are within your ideal weight range, taking Trevo daily will result in a healthier and better lifestyle. Trevo contains fruits, grains and vegetables which can help achieve optimum weight. Trevo Gives You A Radiant Complexion: Daily Consumption of Trevo can lead to a clear and radiant complexion. Unhealthy fats deteriorate the skin, whereas Trevo which contains fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in nutrients that supply our skin with vital nutrients. Vitamin A, which is present in Trevo is an effective way to reduce the appearance of acne, wrinkles and other skin problems. Trevo also contains Proteins, which help production of new skin cells and enhance the appearance of a healthy glow. Trevo Provides Instant Energy: Trevo provides renewed vitality. Having more energy means you can add more activities to an already-busy schedule without feeling tired and overwhelmed. Sugary foods create fluctuations in blood sugar levels and cause tired feelings shortly after consumption. Foods high in unhealthy fats are slower to digest, and thus are not a consistent energy source. Trevo is micronised and has over 98% body absorption. Trevo Boosts Your Immune System: Trevo contains antioxidants, nutrients and micro-nutrients¬ which help fortify your bodys immune system, allowing you to rebound from illnesses more quickly and better respond to stressful situations. Daily consumption of Trevo helps the bodys immune system protects and defends against bacteria, viral infections and other harmful matters. Trevo has an ORAC rating of 373,000. (ORAC means Oxygen Radicals Absorbance Capacity - The ability of a supplement to eliminate oxygen radicals in the body) Trevo Prevents Chronic Diseases: Trevo can help prevent cardiovascular diseases in addition to diabetes, arthritis, rheumatism and some cancers. A direct link exists between unsaturated fats, cholesterol and heart disease. Although nutrition is only one component involved in determining who is affected by disease and at what stage of life onset occurs, daily consumption of Trevo can certainly improve your chances of staying healthy for longer. Trevo Supports Bone Health: Strong bones are necessary throughout life, but bone health tends to deteriorate with age. Trevo contains Calcium necessary to maintain bone health throughout life and Magnessium which aids in the body’s absorption of calcium and also plays a key role in the strength and formation of bones and teeth. Focusing on bone health helps avoid conditions such as Osteoporosis, Rheumatism, Arthritis and helps avoid fractures and broken bones. Trevo Supports Mental Health: Trevo supports proper brain function and mental health. The human brain is a highly complex organ composed of Essential Fatty Acids, Complex Carbohydrates, Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals and Water. The body does not produce substances such as Essential Fatty Acids internally, so Trevo is necessary to achieve balanced levels. Daily Consumption of Trevo can help prevent or treat mental health conditions such as Depression, Schizophrenia, Alzheimers Disease and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Trevo is 100% Vegetarian. Trevo Decreases Risk of Cancer: A British study published in 2009 found that vegetarians are 12 percent less likely to get cancer than non-vegetarians¬. The study also reported that vegetarians were up to 45 percent less likely to get leukemia and non-Hodgkin lymphoma than meat-eaters. The study followed 61,000 people for 12 years; half of the participants were vegetarians. The World Cancer Research Fund has recommended eating a diet rich in plants, vegetables, fruits and beans while limiting meats that have been grilled, cured or smoked. Trevo Reduces Risk of Heart Disease: The American Journal of Epidemiology published a study in 2005 that demonstrated a relationship between eating meat and heart problems. The report found that participants who ate the largest quantities of meat had the highest risk of heart disease. The report also found that consumption of protein from vegetables such as nuts and beans actually lowers the risk of heart disease. One core reason vegetarians are less likely to have cardiovascular disease, according to experts, is because meat contains animal fat that contributes to higher cholesterol. Trevo Makes You Live Longer: A study of 1,904 vegetarians conducted by the German Cancer Research Center over the span of 21 years found that vegetarians have a significantly reduced chance of early death. Men who abstained from eating mean lowered their risk of early death by 50 percent, while women vegetarians reduced their risk by 30 percent. One reason vegetarians are found to live longer than meat-eaters is that their diet decreases the risk of heart disease, cancer and other life-threatenin¬g illnesses.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:50:03 +0000

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