WIN YOUR BATTLE TO LOVE YOURSELF! DEAR FRIENDS- The challenge all of us have- male or female, young or old, rich or poor- is to see the amazing beauty and complete validity of who we are. From the inside- through our wide-open hearts and the awakened Eyes of Love The primal struggle we all face is to overcome what the world says about us- and trust what WE SAY ABOUT OURSELVES. This is a battle YOU CAN WIN! Many of us have a huge and daunting mountain to climb to totally believe in and unconditionally accept ourselves. Especially when our families (by far the most important factor), societies, cultures and religions have conditioned us to believe that we are somehow unworthy- that there is something wrong with us. But if a person wants to empower him/herself and free themselves from every inner chain that binds them- hopelessness and fear, guilt and shame, self-rejection and self-doubt- NOTHING can stop them. Why? Because the drive for inner freedom- and the unstoppable power of love- are the inextinguishable fire in our body, heart and soul! Freedom lay in utterly surrendering to that sacred fire. To claim the lasting happiness and joy of being alive that you deserve you must make your quest for Self-Love THE central focus and most important thing in your life. And keep reaching for the Authentic You- with courage and compassion, devotion and determination- every day! Allow me to offer you guidance and support on your road to freedom. If you go to the NOTES section of my Timeline you will see that I have gathered many of the practices and meditations Ive developed to teach people how to awaken the inner peace, self-confidence and Unconditional Self-Love that changes everything in your life- forever! They are all very powerful tools to gather and focus all your awareness, compassion, love and life-force on attaining the Grail of Self-Acceptance and Self-Liberation. You can combine this dynamic and enriching self-healing work with everything else you do to free and heal yourself. I urge you to explore this invaluable treasure trove and try the ones that seem right for you. If you work hard, keep the faith and DONT EVER GIVE UP you will surely win this most sacred of all battles- the battle to love and liberate YOU! You deserve the victory and this blessed grace so GO FOR IT- and love yourself more and more every day! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:02:35 +0000

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