WINNING WISDOM DEVOTIONAL - MONDAY 28TH OCTOBER 2013 - DONT GIVE UP “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;” 2 Corinthians 4:16,17 An exaggerated sense of failure is really a liability to anybody. Failure in anything is not the yardstick for who you are. Failure does not make you a failure. The fact that you failed in something should not become a final statement of your ability. Failure, when properly managed is a powerful raw material for astonishing success. Like John Mason said, Most winners are just ex-losers who got mad. So you failed, so what? Failure doesnt mean you should give up. It only means you should work harder. Failure is not the end of the road; it is only a temporary light off, only a bend. Hear me, everything that is working today, there was a time it was not working. And that is everything. Anything you see working wonderfully today once failed wonderfully. Several years back, two brothers, Dick and Maurice McDonald started a hamburger joint. The first few years were rough and they nearly, virtually went down. Their father called them one day and said to them forget this thing. Dick said to his father, No, it may not be working today, but it will work tomorrow. Well, bless God, it worked. Few years back, Dick ate the 50th billion hamburger sold in over eight thousand chains in thirty-one countries of the world. I love the Living Bible translation of II Corinthians 4:16: “That is why we never give up.” Keep hope alive. The game is not over yet. You may be down but hear me, you are not out yet. Down, yes! But out, no! I was praying early one morning it was a two-mile prayer walk that I was doing each morning then when the spirit of God ministered these words to me - Dont blow the whistle on yourself yet. The game is not over. I am not through with you yet. Do you know that the wrongest score of any sport is the score at half time? Your score at half time may read zero but dont hang the boot yet. God is a specialist in turning zero to plenty. Too many people hang the boot at half time because they are down. And they eternally foreclose on the great possibilities of the second half. NB: A. If you like your friends and family to receive and be blessed by this devotional, please forward their email addresses to me. B. If you have a prayer request and will want me to pray with/for you, please email/text/ call me. Thanks. C. We are trusting God to have this devotional printed and circulated widely. If you would like to assist with finances, pls contact us. Thanks Dr. Segun Oshinaga has had a rich and varied experience and career in business, ministry and government. He is the Ceo of Productivity Plus, a training programme for executives in industry and also host of Productivity Plus TV Broadcast, a personal development, life enhancement programme. He also runs Leadership Plus and Winning Wisdom Network. To invite him for training of your workforce or sponsorship on radio and TV stations, call +2348030773584, +2348156920758, +2348186715959 or email - droshinaga@gmail
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 06:01:57 +0000

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