WINTER SOLSTICE COMES IN WITH A BANG - LITERALLY! ..The shortest day of the year in 2014 was December 21st - the start of the Winter Solice. This time of year is marked by Pagan Celebrations. Officially the first day of winter, the winter solstice occurs when the North Pole is tilted 23.5 degrees away from the sun. This is the longest night of the year, meaning that despite the cold winter, the days get progressively longer after the winter solstice until the summer solstice in 2015. The winter solstice is celebrated by many people around the world as the beginning of the return of the sun, and darkness turning into light. The Talmud recognizes the winter solstice as Tekufat Tevet. In China, the Dongzhi Festival is celebrated on the Winter Solstice by families getting together and eating special festive food.. This year, for the MUHAMMAD FAMILY, the winter solstice literally began with a BANG. Allah and His Messenger waited exactly 9:11 am on the morning of Sunday, December 21st, 2014 to have a loud noise bring my wife and I to the window to see a car turned on its side upright in the air on the side street right in front of our home. The car came to rest in the middle of the block hitting two cars on one side of the street and another car on the opposite side. The two cars struck on my side was our cars. We thank Allah no one in the parked vehicles were injuried. However a passenger in the uprighted vehicle was slightly wounded with non life threatening injuries. Messenger Elijah Muhammad had his followers fast in this month because of the madness of this month. Let us watch as well as pray as we enter into the most wicked time of the year all done under the good name of Jesus to shield a dirty religion practiced in his holy name.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:16:01 +0000

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