WITH ME! I WAS GUILTY OF GIVING THE DEVIL PLACE -- ACCESS FOR THESE ATTACKS! While undergoing a serious personal attack between myself and depressive spirits of darkness that went on and on even after getting into bed and being unable to fall asleep, I began praying and crying out to Jesus to help me... It was like what I would imagine an attack of swarming bees that wouldnt let up would be like, not even for a second for hours and hours...Id rebuke and pray and get some relief, but then it would all keep coming back! Then in the midst of the attack I heard the word, Overcome! And this verse came to me: Blessed are those who overcome, for they will be seated WITH ME in My throne! I suddenly saw myself sitting very close to JESUS in His throne, not yet directly in His face, but as though looking down from very close, right behind Him, and my sense was that He was going to move over and allow me to sit WITH HIM!! I began to relax and feel like I could go to sleep! I got up and wrote it down so I wouldnt forget it when I woke up in the morning. I just want to make this point, it wasnt the Throne, not even that it was His Throne, but that it was JESUS, being seated WITH JESUS that left this incredible impression upon me! If that promise from Jesus Christ cant motivate us to overcome, then were much further into the horrible pit than we realize and may not overcome! This was another powerful Scripture that came in like a two-edged sword against these demons: I can do all things through Christ Who strengths me! I know Ill be doing a message soon on Overcoming, even as Christ Overcame and is seated at the right hand of the Majesty on High.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 22:00:59 +0000

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