WORD FOR TODAY THOUGH THE BATTLE IS THE LORDS; COME OUT OF THE WORLD AND BE SEPERATE Ephesians 1:7 King James Version: In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; New Living Translation: He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. ... New International Version: In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods grace WORD We are daily involved in Spiritual conflicts. These are battles between the Mighty forces of God and the forces of darkness. We must choose sides. The Bible warns us about being taken in the evil of this world. Satans lies are cleverly mixed with the truth daily, in government affairs, in our offices,in our business dealings and even among some that are supposedly preaching the word of God. When the devil tempted Christ, he was convincinly logical and even quoted Scripture. So the Bible proposes that Christians make a clean break with all the evils of the world and that we be seperated from them. (Read yesterdays devotional on How are you living your life. The apostle Paul said, Wherefore come out from among them and be ye seprate, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you (2nd Cort. 6:17). From my early days in life - secondary School, like other peoples testimonies, I was a Super star in the camp of the enemy - the devil; I loved life, enjoyed driving round town with friends, in the company of beautiful ladies. I was among those that would definately be recognised at any party. I never had any feelings that there was another life different from just Rocking life. Though I was attending a Bible believing church. In fact I was a dedicated mass server in the Roman Catholic church right from 8 year old, who would jump the house fence at 5.30am daily to serve in the morning mass before going to School. I later attended several penticostal churches and still didnt know what Christianity was about, or I refused to take it into consideration. I thought living the standard of this world and conforming to it was the main thing. I had all I wanted ; but no Christ to stand for me when the battle arises. I didnt know there are battles in everyones life and we need to quickly make a choice of whom we would allow to stir the affairs of our lives. (Especially in the lives of those God has a need for, for the His work). I was later faced with challenges from the devil in my life and Glory to God He defeated the devil for my sake and gave me real Victory. But this happened only when I decided to come out from among them and be seprate. I never knew that God also had a need for me. I am now fully Saved! I know for sure that though im in the world, I am for Christ and He is in me. The battle is the Lords. I later served in different capacity in the Lords house and God even used me to grow a Church from from my living room, which is now standing strong. The revelation of The Trinity World Outreach Ministries; which is a unique one would not have come to me. The Lord revealed to me of how He would use the ministry to impact the world. When we make a turn to the Lords side, we are not only saving ourselves, we are saving the world and its people. READ THIS: Jesus ate with publicans and sinners (see Mark 2:16). Nearly everyone He associated with was an outcast. But His relationship with them was purely social, it was redemptive. Now we are not to get our worlds mixed up at this point. This is where the confusion lies. God meant that we not mingle with the world, but we are to witness to the world. We are to love the world of men whom God loves. We are to weep with those who weep (see Romans 12:15), suffer with those who suffer and identify ourselves with the poor, the sick, and the needy among us. This is then our problem: to associate with and love those who are involved in the world without being contaminated, influenced, or swayed by them. This distinction can only be achieved by close walk with Christ, by constant prayer and by seeking the Holy Spirits leadership every hour of the day. God has provided us power to resist the world and be seperated from it and it is ours to appropriate that power every hour of our lives. We are in the world, but the world is not to be in us. It is good for a ship to be in the sea, but bad when the sea gets into the ship. Infact it is indeed very dangerous. As our Lord prayed, I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of this world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil (John 17:15). Be wise, come out among them and be saved; from all the troubles of the world and be with God eternity. May the Lord give you more understanding in Jesus Name.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:33:51 +0000

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