WORD POWER I have thought of you often within the past week or - TopicsExpress


WORD POWER I have thought of you often within the past week or so and have made many reflections, regarding life. Life is so precious a gift and commodity. Most of us know how we want our own life to be treated but take very little thought of how to treat others or how our life or living affects anothers life or living! Did you know that Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21)? Our lives are the direct result of what we or someone else have actually spoken! It may have been a mother...a father...relative...friend...husband...wife...employer or even a stranger! People speak life or death...blessings or cursings into others lives all the time. Words have power! God used the power of words to create! When He made man, He set in motion the use of that same power through man. In Isaiah 57:19, God said, I create the fruit of the lips! In otherwords, WHATEVER WORDS YOU SAY OUT OF YOUR MOUTH IS SPOKEN AS AN ACT OF CREATION! FRUIT (the result of what you say) IS BEING CREATED! Oh, you may not see the fruit right away, but it is planted as you speak it; and it is growing; and it will produce fruit, whether good or bad unless you speak destruction to it. Many beautiful relationships are destroyed because of words—critical, mean, angry, bitter, contentious, hateful, ugly WORDS and because right, loving, caring, forgiving, truthful words were not used. Let your speech be ALWAYS with grace, seasoned with salt that you may know how you ought to answer each one (Colossians 4:6). Sometimes words of truth can hurt; but if it hurts because it is true, ...you snail know the truth, and the truth shall make you free! (John 8:32). Many people cannot get free because they cannot receive the truth that is spoken to them. They get offended because of the truth. People are afraid to hear truth about themselves because they dont realize that they are living in bondage to a lie. Satan desires to keep people in bondage and to kill, steal, or destroy their beautiful lives! The stronger the word is, the harder it is to receive. Words follow people all through their lives! When I was a teenager, my Mama would sometimes use a word that could literally break me down when I was found to be slothful or lazy. She would say something like, Thats just trifling! For someone, like me, whose desire was to please her mama, those were strong words....though true at the time! She never said that I was trifling because that would not be true! But our first inclination is to take PERSONAL, that which is only meant to be, constructively, critical of only a PARTICULAR ACTION! I discovered the power of that same word when I had occasion to use it with my husband, Charles in the early stage of our marriage. He had a habit then (not now) of leaving empty ice trays in the freezer. I was a bit fed up and said the same words that Mama said to me, Now thats just trifling! You could have bought him for a nickel! And he was offended....not because it was not true but because it was true and the word was effectively strong! A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver (Proverb 25:11). WORDS HAVE POWER BUT DEAL WITH THE TRUTH! TRUTH WILL FREE YOU! TRUTH WILL HEAL YOU! When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man [woman}, I put away childish things (1 Corinthians 13:11). Exactly my point! You can become or be the new person (in Christ) that God intended you to be! Jesus is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life. He wants to lead you and guide you into all TRUTH and teach you how to use His creative WORD POWER in your life! DONT BAIL OUT! If you bail now, you will keep on bailing! YOU NEED INSIDE HELP! So, if you have not already asked Him into your heart or situation, DO IT NOW! Save your life...your relationship...your marriage! That which is true, receive it and deal with it! Stop running away from it and face it! One last thing! If you have used your creative word power and out of the abundance of your heart your mouth has spoken wrong or hurtful words, aimed like arrows at someones heart, and your world is just falling apart, just do the right thing! How forceful are right words! (Job 6:25). Repent and ask forgiveness of that person. God often uses strong words, too, to correct His children when they sin; but His words are not intended to destroy the sinful person. He wants to restore that person to a better or more intimate relationship with Himself. You may have heard the story about the father who was keeping his young son while the mother was away. The child kept running out of things to do, so the now impatient father took a newspaper that had a picture of the world on it. As he held it up and tore it into pieces, the child just looked on seeing only the backside of the newsprint. Here, put the world together again! The child, not knowing what the world even looked like, took the pieces and happily began the pursuit. Within minutes, he returned with all the pieces in place. The father, surprised, asked, How did you finish so fast!?! The child answered happily, It was easy! I saw the picture of the man; so I put the man together first! You dont need a new relationship or a new world! Just fix the one you have, starting with YOU! LOVE, Ruby
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 07:28:06 +0000

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