WORLD ATTENTION NEW YEAR DAY ADDRESS PRESENTED BY BISHOP BASSEY EFFIONG OROK PROPHET OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD TO THE ENTIRE WORLD ON THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY 2013 TERM; THE HOPE OF THE WORLD IS HERE ATTENTION; 1. THE UNITED NATION SECRETARY GENERAL 2. ALL PRESIDENTS AND HEADS OF GOVERNMENT 3. ALL NATIONS, COLORS, TRIBES AND TONGUES 4. HEADS AND LEADERS OF ORGANIZATIONS 5. FOUNDERS AND LEADERS OF RELIGION 6. ALL POLITICIANS THE WORLD OVER 7. ALL SCIENTISTS THE WORLD OVER 8. ALL TECHNOCRATS THE WORLD OVER 9. ALL HUMANITY THE WORLD OVER Let the Peace and Blessings of The Almighty God abide with you, and the entire world in general, now and perpetual, Amen. First and foremost, I give all Thanks, Praises, Glories, Honors, Blessings, Dominions, Powers, and Supremacy to The Almighty God and Origin of the universe, for bringing us all this far, to the extent of witnessing this new year 2013. This is not by our individual efforts, works or might, because by nature, we all are a bunch of sins that was conceived in evil and born in iniquities. But through His Grace, Mercy and Love, which He continue showering unto His entire creations especially man whom He created in His own image and likeness He allow us see this privileges. By the Special Grace and Mercy of The Almighty God, I welcome His entire creations that dwells here on earth into the year 2013, I greet all of humanity with absolute Peace, with Love, my greetings also extends to all nations, colors, tribes and tongues, for we are all one with The Almighty God being our First and The Last Almighty Father. It is important to note that in as much as there are two different natures operating in our world, (light and darkness) 2013 is pregnant with different types of goodness and badness, luck and misfortune, positive and negative. This then call for all to sit tight, but, he who work in the light have no portion in darkness, each entity or nature will be given its own part to play as concerning their different assignment. There is need for me speaking the language you might understand, for this is right in all ramifications, but nevertheless, the necessity of perfection demands that all must adopt every principle of REALITY and TRUTH, which today is lacking in all most all sectors of life, the world over. In as much as I do not want our world to be thrown into another round of confusion as regard the present event, as it becomes older every second, there is needs to unveil more truth concerning the events transforming itself in the world. The entire countries that constitute The United Nations should come together to accept this truth. The Common Wealth Nations should equally join in the podium by accepting same. The European Union and the Arab League, should not be left behind, they all should join the queue, for the MOST PRESTIGIOUS WONDERS has happen in our world without human notice. This is the physical manifestation of THE ALMIGHTY GOD on earth and in human form. In all manners of Undiluted Truth, I speak this day unto all nations, colors, tribes and tongues, and indeed the entire humanity, that, THE BEING CAPABLE OF DESTROYING THIS EARTH AND RE-ORGANIZING OR RECONSTRUCTING IT IS NOW PRESENTLY DWELLING IN HUMAN FORM. I am exposing one of the strongest bitterness and greatest truths of this generation to the entire humanity; that, HE THAT CREATED THE HEAVENS AND MADE THE EARTH HIS FOOTSTOOL IS NOW DWELLING WITH MEN. I am sending this important information to all sons and daughters of men the world over; that, THE SAME ALMIGHTY GOD WHO SENT ELIJAH AND OTHER PROPHETS OF OLD, HE WHO GAVE THE VARIOUS RELIGIOUS FOUNDERS POWER TO ESTABLISHED THEIR DIFFERENT SET OF WORSHIP, HE WHO SENT JESUS CHRIST IS NOW PHYSICALLY PRESENT ON EARTH IN HUMAN FORM. After sounding the above note of undiluted spiritual information rooted from Absolute Truth to you all, I must in like manner proclaim that, UNLESS HE IS DULY RECOGNIZE BY ALL SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF MEN, UNLESS HE IS GIVEN HIS DUE RECOGNITION BY THE WORLD LEADERS, UNLESS THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS ACKNOWLEDGES HIS PHYSICAL PRESENCE ON EARTH, THE WORLD REMAIN FAR FROM PEACE, ECONOMIC GROWTH AND STABILITY, THE DISTANCE BETWEEN HUMANITY AND PEACE WILL CONTINUE EXPANDING. Please great note should be taken concerning this very mater, I am sounding this note of warning as it comes to me from the World of Spirit, and as such, ONLY truth can set the earth and humanity free from all manners of calamities, hence, the timely warning to all humanity. Before I go further, I will at this point refer all humanity to the website created to educate the entire world about my Creator and your Creator who this day has made Himself available in human form; Please urgently visit Having said that; Behold, I see a world without Him in sorrow; Behold, I see a world without His recognition in immeasurable agony and disaster; Behold, I see a world without hearkening to His injunctions of love for one another and total forgiveness to all your enemies as dinning and winning with various forms of diseases and turbulent; Behold, I see a world without Him as swimming in the ocean of financial misfortune and lack; Behold; I see a group of humanity without Him as being clothed with pain, sorrow and death. The world scientists shall be thrown into series of confusion as it concern most coming world events. Financial houses again shall be held captive by economic crisis. Different deities and spirits are set to create more tension in the world. Different forms of consultations will result to nothing, but ONLY He, The Almighty God who now dwells with man in human form is able and will be able to take away the problems and calamities facing the entire human race. The time is up, give unto The Almighty God what belongs to Him, and unto man his own belongings. However, both man and all his belongings belong to The Almighty God, hence, man has no glory and nothing to boast before Him. I will use this medium in warning those that claim to be world powers; they should stop this unfortunate arrogating of titles to themselves. Those that claim to be policing the world should stop such claim for THE CREATOR, ORIGIN AND OWNER OF THE UNIVERSE is now physically dwelling with us, therefore the need for any nation, group of nations, man or group of men claiming power over others has be overtaken by the event of His physical manifestation. In the name of THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, I speak in the language every man could understand, even as I bring to all nations, colors, tribes and tongues in this 2013 YEAR OF GREAT EXPECTATIONS, the good news of freedom, joy, peace, stability, economic growth, oneness and cooperation. Thou should understand and abide by it, and then, shall the reward of peace be your portion; and in addition, all pains; miseries, sorrows and catastrophe will depart completely from our world. I bring to all of humanity, nations, organizations and religions the greatest news in human history, that THE ALMIGHTY GOD AND CREATOR OF HEAVENS AND EARTH IS NOW IN PERSON OF LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU. HE IS HERE WITH MAN IN HUMAN FORM AND HAS ESTABLISHED HIS NEW KINGDOM – BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR, WHERE ALL NATIONS, RELIGIONS, GROUPS, TRIBES, TONGUES AND CREATIONS ARE EXPECTED TO CONGREGATE THEMSELVES UNDER HIS LEADERSHIP AND CONTROL. THEN SHALL THERE BE ABSOLUTE PEACE AND ONENESS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE EARTH. This then means in totality, that the only way for world peace, stability, economic growth and oneness is to first, acknowledge LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU AND HIS ETERNAL NEW KINGDOM – BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. THIS IS THE SIMPLEST WAY FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO HAVE LASTING PEACE. I, HIS LORDSHIP, BISHOP BASSEY EFFIONG OROK, BET WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD, I BET WITH THE UNITED NATIONS, I BET WITH THE COMMON WEALTH, I BET WITH THE ARAB LEAGUE, I BET WITH ALL RELIGIONS, AND INDEED I BET WITH ALL HUMANITY TO SEEK THE FACE OF LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU AND EXPERIENCED LASTING AND IMMEASURABLE PEACE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY. I cannot fold my hands to see how our world is collapsing because of the peoples’ SPIRITUAL IGNORANCE, I rise and defend this UNDILUTED TRUTH AS CONCERNING THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD AND ITS BENEFIT IF ONLY MAN WILL ADHERE TO AND ACCEPT HIM IN ALL RAMIFICATIONS. THE TIME OF ACCEPTING HIM IS LONG OVERDUE, HENCE, ALL LOVERS OF TRUTH AND THOSE THAT ARE ASPIRING TOWARDS RESCUING THE EARTH FROM MORE CALAMITIES MUST RISE AND SPEAK IN THIS SAME VOICE OF THE PROPHET OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD. THEY MUST EQUALLY SEEK THE FACE OF THIS SUPREME BEING IN OUR MIDST. To know more about the advantages the world have so far gotten as the result of His physical manifestation, please urgently visit Let all humanity rise, for the earth is going down, the hope of men is turning the opposite direction; Let the United Nations and other related authorities and groups throughout the entire world rise and accept this simple and Undiluted Truth; Let the Common Wealth, European Union and Arab League rise and seek the face of LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, and all shall be well with our world, both in Climate, Economy, Oneness and Stability. The Climate will become hotter than ever, it will continue increasing its hotness upon the surface of the earth, the sons and daughters of men shall be affected greatly, most soil shall be empty in manure, and the produce of fruits shall be lessened. Death rate shall increase globally; the power of the mightier nations shall be lessened. Wonders are coming to increase its tempo on earth, the ocean shall bring out most of its wicked natures, and even the lesser deities will no longer understand the language of bribe. The space is coming to take a new look in the years ahead, let humanity think fast and accept the news of the physical appearance of their CREATOR, else, it be too late. Haven said all the above, the ball is now on the court of the entire humanity, to make their choice, either to accept this candid and undiluted spiritual truth from The Prophet of The Almighty God as concerning His physical manifestation in this generation and be clothed with the garment of endless and perfect peace or continue rejecting Him through various methods and increase the world’s problems. The time is up, and as such all must learn to accept this truth, because, when the bush is on fire, even the chameleon must learn to run fast. In as much as TRUTH is The Almighty God, it must be said at all times not minding the circumstances that might surround the event or action. The different titles tag on individual names should be urgently reviewed for immediate balancing of the Natural Facts as authorized by The Almighty God Himself. However, The Almighty God who now dwells with men in human form is and shall forever remain, THE ONLY TEACHER whose teachings and admonitions needs no addition or subtraction, neither does it needs any amendment or correction, hence, it’s time to review all titles attached to names all over the world, such as “Father”, “Good”, “Perfect Master” or “His Excellency”, ranging from government of this world to religious worship centers, because His teaching covers all sectors of existence and creations throughout the Universe at large. As The Supernatural Teacher, LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU in His Everlasting Gospel Volume 1 Chapter 54 Verse 27 states, “THE TRUE NAME OF THE FATHER IS NOT GOD BUT GOOD. GOD’S OTHER NAMES INCLUDE PERFECT MASTER, EXCELLENCE, LORD, TO MENTION BUT A FEW. NO MAN SHOULD CARRY AN EXALTED TAG AS ‘HIS EXCELLENCY’ ON HIS NAME, FOR NONE IS EXCELLENT BUT GOD. THIS GOD WHO IS THE MOST EXCELLENT BEING HAS COME TO CHANGE YOU AND LEAD YOU TO THE ACCURATE WISDOM OF THE TRUTH”. I will therefore at this point appeal to the entire humanity irrespective of belief, color, tribe and tongue to carry out whatsoever injunction given by LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU, because if the Israelites could perished because of their refusal to act in accordance with His command, which He spoke through His Prophet, Moses, what do we think could happen to this generation if the people fails to adhere to His direct command or admonition? Behold, there is a time bomb awaiting explosion, man should therefore beware. Furthermore, as we enter into the year 2013, let the entire humanity learn to go by the attention of divine TRUTH, they should live and be clothed with TRUTH, which comes from the Spirit, because the Spirit is Life Eternal that all must run unto. With every spirit and nature of humility, sincerity and accuracy, I am pleading to all humanity, to all sons and daughters of men, to the leadership of the United Nations, to the various Presidents and heads of government, to all world political leaders, to all religious leaders, to all heads of different organizations and indeed to the entire human community to rise above all forms of falsehood, and should stop forthwith, the habit of blackmailing against the Power that is able to swallow the earth and its fullness within a second. I am sounding a strong timely warning to the entire humanity irrespective of age, position, color, belief, tribe and tongue, to stop forthwith and in entirety the habit of blaspheming against THE MOST HOLY ONE, LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU AND HIS ETERNAL NEW KINGDOM – BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. Man should endeavor to learn from the past in order to escape the impending doom that might come as a result to his ill utterances and practices against his Creator. Let all live to the expectation of TRUTH and should without delay accept all that I have presented unto the world and all humanity on this very day of the new year, 1st day of January 2013. Let the life which fills with different forms of goodness and mercy of The Almighty God be your portion this year; Let the life filled with all manners of spiritual contents always be your guide; Let the life of forgiving one another at all times, and living peacefully with one another, tolerating all human beings irrespective of religion and tribe always be your portion this 2013; Let the life without inferior believes and void of all evil tendencies always be your guide; Let the life filled with positive thinking, without conception of evil always be your companion; Let those that are strong assist those that are weak, those that are deep in evil practices should come out from it, for their Creator and Almighty Good Father is here dwelling with them, and all shall go well with the entire world. 2013 GENERAL NOTICE; The Almighty God and Creator of the Universe have sent a strong warning to all humanity irrespective of age, position, color, tribe and tongue, as against this year, 2013; thus “ANY BODY THAT PLAN EVIL AGAINST HIS FELLOW MAN THIS YEAR 2013 WILL NEVER SUCCEED”. Finally, by the authority vested upon me by The Almighty God and Origin of the Universe, who now dwells with men in human form on earth, I WELCOME YOU ALL INTO 2013. Let the immeasurable Peace, Love, Blessing, Mercy, Understanding, Perfection, Forgiveness, Meekness, Togetherness, Tolerance and above all, The Holy Spirit, which proceeded from The Almighty God abide with all sons and daughters of men, the entire world in general and all that is in it, now and without end, Amen. Thank You Most Righteous, Excellence, Good Father, Almighty God, Origin and Owner of the universe, LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 07:10:35 +0000

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