WORSHIPFUL GIVING Introduction: 1. 1 Cor. 16:1,2 states that - TopicsExpress


WORSHIPFUL GIVING Introduction: 1. 1 Cor. 16:1,2 states that it was the common practice of the early Christians to give upon the first day of the week. a. It was one of the actions of worship in the assembly of the saints. b. We may give and it may not be worship. 1) If given in the wrong spirit 2) If given grudgingly 3) If given in the wrong quantity 2. The Christian and his money is a major Bible subject. a. The Jewish churches did not have to be coerced and prodded into giving like the Gentile churches: 1) Jerusalem (Acts 2:44, 45; 11:29,30) 2) Corinth (2 Cor. 9:5,7) b. Why do you suppose? 1) Because the Jews had been taught to give 2) The sacrifices 3) The tithes 3. This is always a timely subject. a. In the church we are beginning to learn to give! b. Church budgets are growing! We are doing more than Keeping house.” c. You need to examine your giving. 4. Your giving is important to your own spiritual life; to the health and progress of the church; and potentially, to the souls it will help reach. 5. Let us examine three important things as they relate to our subject. I. LETS EXAMINE OUR ATTITUDES TOWARD GIVING. A. Much is revealed about us by the way we react to the study of stewardship. 1. Some respond positively to the subject. a. Good stewards delight and are enthusiastic. b. They hear and discuss it with joy because they have experienced the blessing of generosity. 2. Some react hardly at all. a. Theres a ho-hum attitude. b. They are uninformed about what the Bible teaches and are not too interested in learning more lest it place them under greater obligation. 3. Some treat it as a joke. a. There are more tired jokes on giving than just about any religious subject I know. b. Maybe this is done to avoid seriously dealing with it. 4. Some are ill at ease with the subject. a. They become irritable, even angry when its mentioned. B. What is your attitude? 1. Positive or affirmative? 2. Indifferent or unconcerned? 3. Frivolous or humorous? 4. Negative or resentful? C. Lets be reminded that more is said in the Bible on giving than baptism, the church or Lords Supper. II. LETS EXPLORE THE BIBLICAL MOTIVES FOR GIVING. A. What causes people to reach deep into their hearts and purses to give? 1. Not all motives are worshipful. a. Some give to satisfy themselves – to ease their conscience from a lack of personal involvement. b. Some give as a matter of prestige – to inflate their pride – to build up credit with God. c. Some give, but reluctantly, out of a sense of duty. They aim at minimum duty. They fret over whether their percentage should come before or after payroll deductions. d. Some may give just for deductions. B. Lets look at five reasons why Christians should give. 1. The Needs of the Kingdom a. The church is the greatest kingdom with the greatest mission. b. It alone can rescue the teeming millions in bondage to Satan and lost. c. It alone can rescue a world from the rampant evils that are destroying it. d. It alone can redeem a society whose moral fiber is decaying. e. It alone can keep love, compassion and decency alive. f. It is the task of kingdom-citizens to provide a base for this work. g. Church finances have been the source of many problems. 1) The first scandal (Acts 5) 2) Churches have brought scorn upon themselves by all kinds of money-raising gimmicks from commercial enterprise to gambling. h. God has arranged matters in such a way that we are privileged to be His partners in accomplishing His work. I. When Christ is Lord, finances will be no big problem. j. It is still true in too many churches that 20% of the people bear about 80% of the financial burden of the church – and the 20% does not represent wealth, but commitment. 2. Christians need to give in order to grow. a. Our fellowship with God becomes deep to the extent that we partake of the divine nature by being generous and giving. b. Real stewardship is what happens to mine because of what has happened to me.” c. Growing and giving go together – the more we give, the more we grow.” d. Stewardship is the answer to the disease of covetousness. 3. Giving opens the way for God to bless us. a. While the Christian does not consider his giving a bargain – or an investment from which he will derive a profit – he does understand that God blesses the cheerful giver. b. Some say, Give till it hurts – but it is not giving that hurts; it is not giving that poisons the soul and blocks the blessings of God (Mal. 3:10; Acts 20:35). 4. As trustees, Christians must account to God. a. We are managers, not owners. b. We are trustees of our lives, our time, our money, our abilities, opportunities. 5. Giving is an act of faith, love and devotion. a. Worshipful giving not only calculates what we can do – but causes us to do more than we calculate we can afford. b. Giving is an evidence of our love (2 Cor. 8:8). III. LETS EXPLAIN GODS PLAN FOR GIVING. A. He has one (1 Cor. 16:2). 1. It is simple. 2. It is practical – it works! 3. It is fair – no partiality! 4. It is sound, and applicable for all time. B. Note the characteristics of Gods method. 1. It is periodic. a. Upon the first day of the week (every week). b. God wants us to face up to our stewardship on a weekly basis. c. Weekly giving calls for weekly sensitivity. 2. It is personal – let each one of you.” a. It is an individual responsibility. b. Others can no more do your giving than they can do your praying or studying or Lords Supper. 3. It is planned – Lay by in store.” a. Decide the percentage – Reach for a goal. b. It is a deliberate, purposed act that evidences forethought. 4. It is proportionate – As you have been prospered.” a. Christians are not to give the same amounts. b. Ability – thus portion and proportion varies. c. The poor widow gave more than the rich. Conclusion: 1. Ask yourself, Was my giving today worshipful?” 2. Was my attitude positive or negative? 3. Was there resentment or indifference in what I gave? 4. Did I think of the needs of the Kingdom? 5. Did I give from painful duty to satisfy conscience, or from grateful love? 5. Do I give consistently and regularly? 6. Do I plan my giving with meditation and prayer? 7. And do I feel sincerely that the amount I gave is the proper proportion?
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 06:17:45 +0000

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