WOW! What a weekend! All three sold out performances of The - TopicsExpress


WOW! What a weekend! All three sold out performances of The Dixie Swim Club were terrific! I have had a blast working with these women all summer. It all comes down to the performances, and they did not disappoint! This show has been one of the most rewarding experiences that I have had in the theatre recently. I learned a lot through this new adventure, and we all had a great time. Thank you to Shana Schaffer Acray, Sally Stevens Waldrop, Lisa Urban, Jenn Boozer, and Noelle St. John for making this a wonderful process. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with each of you and look forward to many more productions! Also, a BIG thank you to Hannah Lloyd Jarbo! You helped more than you know! Now it is time to break out your ruby slippers and get to Oz! :) Evan Woods Gunter, Skylar Garrett Wheat, Cody Beshears, Daniel Henson, Mary Margaret Mathieu, and Seth Williamson, thank you all for your hard work behind the scenes helping patrons to their seats, getting the set ready, serving and getting the food, filling drinks, setting up, breaking down, and everything else in between. We couldnt have done it without you! Lastly, I want to thank my wife, Santana McKinney Carlton, for being there for me during all of this insanity. I absolutely could not have done this without your help. Your decorating, seating charts, and wonderful desserts made this weekend more than it ever could have been without you. I am so thankful for you and your love. CharACTers is truly an amazing group. I do not say that because I think it is because of me individually. It is because God has made it this way. I thank God everyday for allowing this group to continue to grow - both in entertainment and as a family. There are many great things to come. The faster we swim, the sooner we win! Love my Dixies!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 06:26:35 +0000

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