WOW i have no clue where to start this email! and buchle up cause - TopicsExpress


WOW i have no clue where to start this email! and buchle up cause this is going to be one SPAZTEC letter! Lest begin! First of all, a little about the location on where i live :) all around are huge super rundown buildings that look like they were imported from Chernobyl! I feel like i am rolling dice getting into those elevators, and if i didnt know better, i would be convinced a monster lives under the elevator! Out of all of the things i NEED to say in mongolian to help others find Christ, i can say, Thurs a monsterhat she has Im scared! those words are just easy i guess.. When i look out the window thats not covered in the most scariest buildings ive ever seen, i see hills on sills of Gars! its amazing looking! Ive notices that mongolia doesnt have much but thur is anything they have an abundance of its Pubs and Kariokes! PARTY ON EVERY CORNER! ha just kidding, but they are everywhere... minni bbqs are on every corner aswell after 9:00! kinds kool! So right now im just outside the big city of U.B. somewhere calles Tawven Shaww... BUT i guess my english sponcer is going to have me teach in the countryside! somewhere called, Bagganor... I hear its nice and ill send pics! that wont be for another few months though... speaking of pics, i only have a few now BUT ILL TAKE MORE AWESOME ones later! :) about the people! ill start by saying im VERY impressed by Mongolians! The ones i have met (that i can understand) are very humble! They have very little and they have such big hearts! I have one investigator thats been through some very noticeable hard trials and she is so greatful for what she has and loves learning about Christ! She came to church yesterday and i taught her how to read a hymn book! (that is quite a task in mongolian when its your first week in the country haha) as much as i love the people so far, the food and drinks are going to be a trial... I havent had anything to crazy so far but i have learned not to chew a few minor things haha. Oh and would you like a drink? Oh you want some water? here is the most scolding, boiling, blister your toung till it bleeds water! I thank Heavenly Father they boil it so i dont get sick but im not sure i can feel anything but pain for the next half hour! also i find myself seeing them prepare something for me and thinking, oh no what is that THEN trying it and thinking, ooh can i have a little more? ha its fun out here :) One thing that made me laugh is when i forst got into the country, we rode in a car to the church headquarters and WOW the driving is very diffrent to say the least! to sum up big topic, ill just say that when i asked how mongolians drive, the response was Slam and Steer! If i had 1/10 of a penny (1 toggarook) for every traffic law violated seen in a week id be the Bill friggin Gates of Mongolia! and unsafe as it seems, Mongolians are really skilled at driving! Especially the buses! MAN those buses! lets just say people are so close to each other on those buses that if i needed to scratch my nose, it would be advantageous to just use someone elses hand cause i have no clue where mine is! haha. now, a little about my mongolian companion! Talk about the best gift from the heavens! He is super nice and patient! not to mention SOOO obedient! his diligance is sooo impressive! i want to be like him at the end of my mission! Him name is Elder Boy-N-Bot! he is super good at knowing the gospel and teaching me mongolian! I feel bad cause i suck at the language but he is patient with me. :) A couple things about him is he can speak pretty good english and one thing he told me is: he grabbed a bottle of american Ketcup and said VERY CLEARLY, This is my addiction! i laughed so hard and bought him more! another thing he said that was SOOOO FUNNY was: he was going to make us dinner (he cooks alot) and we just got done fasting so we were both super hungry and he was telling me all through church that he wants rice to eat. we got home, studied for 4 hours and when it came dinner time, he got up and started looking for the rice.. after looking on the only 2 one foot by one foot cuboards we have to turned to me super fast and with perfect english he said, Where is the rice??? he forgot to buy some the other day and we had to eat my peanut butter and jelly sandwitches. i love this guy! I showed him some scriptures that my amazing girlfriend Katelyn bought me and if i didnt know any better id think i just showed him the Golden Plates! i gave him a few :) AND he LOVES (as well as I) the water flavor enhancer stuff from america! Thats GOLD here! who ever has an extra 3 dollars + 80 dollare shipping should send me some more! BOOM! Lastly, ya know how in america we knock on a door like three times, wait for 30 seconds, then try maybe one more time? not here. we knock 28-30 times very quickly, count to 4 then knock 28-30 more times.. this continues till they either open (most of the time) or 6 minutes are up! and finaly and least important, me :) just a few things is one, the mongolian names are very diffrent! i have to draw little pictures next to names to remind me where i met then or what thur names mean! i love it! My companion told me that i need to pay fast offerings which makes sence but when i asked if i pay tithing, he said of course and gave me a mop! we pay tithing in the form of cleaning the apt haha! at the end of EACH night im VERY exhausted and cant wait to crawl into bed! i hope thats evedince that i am doing everything i possably can to help all who needs me! i love studying the gospel, learning mongolian and doing all that is asked of me! i have yet to teach english but VERY SOON! i have to go now so till next time, peace out! Elder Memmott! p.s. sorry for the crap spelling... suck it up ;)
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 02:04:22 +0000

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