WOW this pretty well sums it up! Our Priest just this last Sunday - TopicsExpress


WOW this pretty well sums it up! Our Priest just this last Sunday his Homily was all about how people are nothing but chasing after the almighty dollar & have forgotten what the words of God are all about, He said to abandon everything you have, all your wealth & riches & come follow me. Remember the meek shall inherit the earth & he who is last shall be first & he who is first shall be last, those with extreme riches on Earth have it all here but those without on Earth have it all in Heaven I choose Heaven! He also stressed on confession & how so many seem to feel they are so free of sin they dont even come to confession. Shame on them we are all SINNERS & we need to change our ways & LOVE THY NEIGHBOR as thy SELF & forgive those whom have done us harm & love them anyways. This World is going to the trash & I agree we dont care for our lands or our people all we care about is the next $ bill & not what we can do for others who have nothing. Only 2 Commandments really as the other 8 revolve around the main two Only one God & Love they neighbor. God Bless everyone especially Judge Moore. At least he stands firm on his belief!! Good for him!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 23:07:18 +0000

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