WWE Raw Results – February 17th, 2014 We open the show - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results – February 17th, 2014 We open the show with John Cena. Cena opens pandering to the crowd a little bit. Cena then hypes up the main event of the Elimination Chamber. He says the winner of that match gets to main event Wrestlemania against Batista. He says that he has been on the road to Wrestlemania many times, and that it is all about momentum. He says Orton has absolutely no momentum. He says he has been beaten by Bryan, himself, and Cesaro. Cesaro comes out. Colter says that we are looking at the next champion. Cesaro says he has beaten Orton, and that he will beat him again. He then says not only will he become the face of the WWE, and he will also become the face of America. Cena congratulates him. Cena says he also has to face 5 other guys at the Chamber, and that its a match hes never been in. Sheamus then comes out. Sheamus says that he has been in the Chamber twice, and that he doesn’t want to be the face of the WWE. Christian then comes out. Christian says that on Sunday he will hit Sheamus with a KillSwitch and will win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship for the first time. Out comes Randy Orton. Orton says that even though Cena and Cesaro beat them, they can’t beat him when it counts. Orton says that Christian and himself have had great matches, but he has won all of them. He then says Sheamus won’t come close to beating him tonight. Daniel Bryan then comes out. Bryan says that everyone has talked, but he lets the people talk for himself. He then says he knows how important the Chamber is, because it leads to Wrestlemania. He says he has worked to hard to let this slip through his fingers, and at the end of the night, everyone will be chanting “Yes!”. Kane then comes out. Kane says that he has been given a chance to rectify his mistakes, by leaving him in charge tonight. He says Sheamus is in action against Randy Orton tonight. He then says Cesaro will face Cena tonight, and Daniel Bryan will face Christian right now. We are told Reigns and Mark Henry will face tonight. Christian takes a cheap shot to Daniel Bryan before their match, and attacks him on the outside. We head to commercial. Christian vs Daniel Bryan Bryan starts the match with some kicks to the leg, but Christian takes him down and works the arm. Bryan gets back up and hits a running knee to the gut, and then follows it with a trio of uppercuts. Christian falls out of the ring and catches Bryan with a fist before going for the suicide dive. Christian continues to work on Bryan’s arm in the middle of the ring. Christian hits a shoulder block on Bryan, and then mocks the crowd with Yes chants. Christian then hits a scoop slam for a two count. Christian continues to work the arm, and then goes to the top rope. Christian hits a tornado DDT but only gets a 2 count. Christian then hits multiple headbutts, and then mocks crowd. Bryan gets back and throws him outside ring, and then hits a suicide dive, with both men down. We cut to commercial break. We return with Christian in control. Daniel Bryan begins to fight off Christan with kicks to the leg. Christian and Bryan begin to exchange blows, but Bryan gets the advantage. Bryan then hits the kicks to chest, and hits the kick to the head for a 2 count. Bryan goes up top and misses with the diving headbutt. Christian continues to work the arm, but Bryan once again fights back with kicks. Bryan the hits a running dropkick in the corner, but misses on the second. Christian goes for the KillSwitch but Bryan reverses it into a roll up for the 3 count. Winner: Daniel Bryan Kane grabs the mic after the match, and says that Bryan has one more match tonight: against him. Daniel Bryan vs Kane Kane starts off the match in complete control over Daniel Bryan. Kane continues to work the shoulder, with Bryan completely beaten down. Kane works Bryan’s arm in the rope, and then follows it with a suplex. Kane goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Kane throws Bryan into the ring post, and does it one more time to Bryan. Bryan finally fights back, and hits a top rope missile dropkick. Bryan then kicks Kane in the chest multiple times, but then is thrown to the outside. Kane begins to work the arm, and then doesn’t break the hold at 5 and gets disqualified. Winner: (By DQ) Daniel Bryan Kane continues the beat down, and leaves standing tall. We go backstage with the Shield. Ambrose says he is surprised that Henry even showed up tonight. Reigns asked what he is talking about, and that he lost. Ambrose says that he softened Henry for him, and Reigns says that he could do better. Renee says they should get on the same page, and Rollins says they are always on the same page. He says they are built for war, and Reigns reiterates that, and tells us to believe in the Shield. We cut to commercial. Fandango vs Santino Marella Fandango starts in control. Fandango hits a clothesline, and then goes for a top rope knee, but misses. Santino hits a stunner, and then a hip toss. Santino goes for the cobra, but Summer Rae distracts him. Emma takes her out and then Santino and her have a moment on the outside. Santino tries to kiss her but Fandango takes him out. Fandango then takes Santino out with a new finish, and gets the 3 count. Winner: Fandango We go backstage with Mark Henry. Renee asks how he thinks he is going to fair tonight. Henry says he should have won last week, and that tonight he will induct someone into the hall of pain. Roman Reigns vs Mark Henry Reigns starts with a bunch of headbutts, but is taken out with a big boot by Henry. Henry then hits a splash in the corner. Reigns fights back and hits a samoan drop on Henry. Henry kicks out a two, and then fights back with headbutts of his own. Reigns dodges a splash and hits the superman punch on Henry! Reigns then hits the spear and gets the 3 count! Winner: Roman Reigns Rollins and Reigns celebrate, and then Ambrose begins to attack Henry. Reigns asks what hes doing, and then the Wyatts hit the titantron. Bray Wyatt says that as the match gets closer, he can’t help but have a child like excitement in him. He then asks the Shield if this is all worth it, and if they aren’t they had already lost. Reigns then asks for them to come out and say it to his face. Bray says they were thinking the same thing. The Wyatts then make their way down to the ring. The Wyatts hit the apron, with the Shield waiting in the ring. Bray enters the ring alone, and then Reigns steps up to him. The rest of the Wyatts follow, and so does the Shield. All three of the Wyatts then leave the ring, with the Shield standing tall. We cut to commercial. Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger Swagger starts off the match in complete control, hitting a modified German suplex. Swagger puts Kofi in a rest hold, but Kofi fights out. Swagger takes control again and hits a Swagger Bomb, and gets a 2 count. Swagger then hits an elbow to the back, and then throws Kofi into the corner. Kofi comes back with a springboard dropkick, and then begins his comeback. Kofi then hits a splash on his back and gets a 2 count. Kofi then hits the SOS but Swagger got his foot on the rope. Kofi then hits a cross body but is rolled into the Patriot Lock. Kofi has no choice but to tap out. Winner: Jack Swagger Big E makes his way to the ring and when he enters Swagger leaves. Big E stands tall as we head back to commercial. Big E vs Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre Big E begins to dominate both of them. Zeb Colter begins to commentate with a microphone while Big E is being taken down. Drew is thrown to the outside and Big E takes out Mahal. Drew comes back in and takes control for 3MB. Drew and Mahal hits a double suplex but only get a 2 count. Mahal then hits a knee to Big E’s face, but only gets a 2 count. Big E begins to fight back and takes Drew out. Big E then hits his comeback on Mahal, and then belly to belly’s both of them. Big E then hits a double big splash, and a Big Ending to both Drew and Mahal for a 3 count. Winner: Big E Big E gets the last word on Swagger and Colter as he stands tall in the ring. We get a video package on the Elimination Chamber. We go backstage with Renee and John Cena. She asks on his thoughts on Cesaro. Cena says that the WWE has a load of talent. He says that this talent has to go through him, and that we will find out what Cesaro is made of tonight. John Cena vs Cesaro Cesaro and Cena lock up, and Cesaro goes for a roll up early for a 1 count. Both men lock up again,and Cena takes control. Cena hits a shoulder block, and then a hip toss, which leads to Cesaro taking a breather. Cesaro gets back in the ring and both men lock up in the ring again. Cesaro takes control with a head lock, and begins to put the match at his pace. Cesaro then hits a tilt a whirl backbreaker but only gets a 2 count. Cesaro continues to work on Cena, and then throws him to the outside. Cesaro goes to the outside and throws him into the barricade. Cesaro gets back in the ring and Cena follows, but gets hit with a dropkick for a 2 count. Cena comes back and goes for the AA, but Cesaro gets out and takes him down. Cesaro then hits a second rope elbow drop, and goes for the cover. Cena kicks out at 2 as Cesaro still stays in control. Cena however hits a modified neckbreaker to gain some offense. Cesaro fights back with a dropkick that leads Cena to the outside, bringing us to commercial. We return with Cesaro in control, but Cena then hits a hurricanrana. Cesaro however hits a fallaway slam and leads it into the cover for a 2 count. Both men begin to exchange blows, with Cesaro winning with a sleeper hold. Cena gets out but runs right into a clothesline by Cesaro. Cena fights back and begins his comeback but is reversed into Cesaro trying to do the swing. Cena reverses it into the STF but Cesaro reverses it into a gut wrench suplex. Cesaro then hits an uppercut in the corner, and tries for one more but misses. Cena then hits his back suplex and 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena goes for the AA but is put into a catapult uppercut by Cesaro. Cesaro goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Cesaro goes for the swing but Cena hits him with a DDT. Cena goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Cena goes to the top but Cesaro hits an uppercut that makes him fall to the outside. Cesaro then hits a superplex but only gets a 2 count. Cesaro gets another 2 count after trying to pin Cena again. Cena then puts Cesaro in the STF but Cesaro reverses it into the Cesaro Swing! Cesaro then goes for the cover but only gets a 2 count. Cena goes for the AA but Cesaro lands on his feet! Cena hits a clothesline and picks Cesaro up from the ground and hits an AA for the 3 count. Winner: John Cena Cena celebrates in the middle of the ring while Cesaro looks on, still talking smack to Cena on the outside. We return with Orton and HHH backstage. Orton says he appreciates all the opportunities he has been given. Orton says he will prove himself at the chamber. He then says that they go way back, and that he and HHH carried Batista. Batista shows up and says he isn’t the face of the WWE, but the ass. Del Rio then shows up and says that he will make Batista pay. Batista pushes Del Rio and leaves. We then head to the back with Renee, where we are told Titus and Darren Young will have a match at the chamber. She is with Titus. Titus says that Darren is a roadblock, and that after Elimination Chamber everyone will have to witness the rise of Titus O’neil. Los Matadores and Sin Cara vs The Wyatt Family Rowan and Diego start off the match off. Rowan hits a massive clothesline, and tags in Harper. Harper continues dominating, and tags in Bray. Bray begins to hit Diego in the back of the head multiple times, and then hits a massive suplex. Rowan is tagged in and hits a huge scoop slam, and then begins to work the head. Rowan then hits an elbow drop, and tags in Harper. Harper then does the alligator roll, and continues to put pressure on the head. Diego fights out with a kick to the head, and tags in Sin Cara. Sin Cara begins to work on Harper, hitting him with a hurricanrana. Cara then hits a springboard elbow on Harper. All hell breaks lose, with Harper, Wyatt and Cara the only men up. Cara goes for the senton but misses, and Harper hits a spinning clothesline. Bray is tagged in and hits the Sister Abagail for the 3 count. Winners: The Wyatt Family We return with the New Age Outlaws in the ring. The cut their usual schtick to get the crowd pumped up. Jey Uso vs Billy Gunn Jey and Billy lock up, with Billy taking control first. Jey however hits a couple of hip tosses, which leads to Billy Gunn taking a breather to the outside. Billy comes back in the ring and takes control, with the focus being on the commentating on the outside. Billy Gunn goes for the Fame Asser but is reversed into a roll up for the 3 count. Winner: Jey Uso Jimmy and Jey take out the New Age Outlaws after the match and stand tall. We go backstage with Sheamus. Sheamus says that the reward in the Chamber is worth the sacrifice. He said earlier we saw Christian be aggressive tonight, and that they should expect the same thing from him tonight, as well as on Sunday. Sheamus vs Randy Orton Sheamus and Orton lock up, with Sheamus dragging him to the corner. Orton gets back in the ring, and they lock up again. Sheamus takes control. Orton goes back the outside, as Sheamus points the Wrestlemania sign. Orton comes back in the ring and Sheamus continues to stay in control with a suplex. Orton goes back to the outside again and Sheamus follows. Orton tries to take advantage but Sheamus hits him against the table. Sheamus brings him back in the ring and hits a knee to the face for a two count. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but misses and falls to the outside. Sheamus is down as we head to commercial. We return with Orton in control. Orton has Sheamus in a rest hold, but Sheamus breaks out into a back suplex. Sheamus clotheslines Orton to the outside. Sheamus is thrown into the steel steps by Orton, and makes it back in the ring at 9. Orton tries to superplex Sheamus, but Sheamus breaks it up and hits a top rope shoulder block on Orton. Orton and Sheamus go to the outside and Orton hits a back suplex on Sheamus through the announce table! Orton begins to taunt and Sheamus makes it back in the ring at 9. Orton begins to work Sheamus, but Sheamus fights back and begins is comeback, but is caught in a power slam. Orton goes for the DDT but Sheamus reverses and hits 10 hits the the chest of Orton. Sheamus then goes for White Noise but it is reversed into a backbreaker. Orton then hits a hangman DDT and sets Sheamus up for the RKO. Orton misses and Sheamus hits 3 Irish Curse back breakers. Sheamus goes for the Brogue but the Shield come out and attack Sheamus. Winner: (By DQ) Sheamus Cena, Bryan, Christian and Cesaro come out to make the save, and then the Wyatt’s music hits. The Wyatts are in the ring with The Shield and they begin to go at it! Everyone begins to brawl in the ring as Raw goes off the air in chaos! 12
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:06:39 +0000

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