Waiting in the Wings By Stormie Omartian Has it ever seemed like - TopicsExpress


Waiting in the Wings By Stormie Omartian Has it ever seemed like you are waiting in the wings for the next scene of your life to start? The stage is dark and you’re expecting the lights to go up and the curtain to rise. The first act may or may not have gone smoothly, but by now you’ve been on an extended intermission and you’re beginning to wonder if the second act will ever begin. I’ve found that it’s best to view these waiting times by thinking of them as times of waiting on the Lord. Try it. You’ll see. It’s much easier to think about waiting on God than it is to be patient with your circumstances. Waiting on the Lord gives you the sense that something is going on—only you just can’t see it. You are waiting in eager anticipation of what God is going to do next. Even though it may not seem like it, as long as you are walking with the Lord you are going from “glory to glory” and “strength to strength.” You are always going somewhere in God’s plan. And His purpose for you is constantly being realized. But you have to be patient and wait for Him to accomplish it His way and in His time. I performed in live theater for years. The dialogue and stage directions were set, so all of us in the cast would do the same thing over and over, night after night. Same costumes, same words, same props, same actions. It could have been a boring experience where we ended up just going through the motions waiting for the play to be over. But we didn’t, for one good reason. The audience was different every time. We performed it for new ears and new eyes each night, and that kept the play fresh for us as well. If you ever feel like you are just going through the motions in your own life, don’t let yourself become frustrated over it. Know that God’s mercies to you are new every morning, and as a result, God freshly hears your words spoken to Him as well. There is no such thing as the same old prayer. Each prayer you pray, even if it’s about the same thing, has new life to it every time you pray it. Every day you have another opportunity to affect your future with the words you speak to God. Even though you may not see results as soon as you would like, much is happening in the spirit realm that you don’t see. Each prayer sets something in motion. Patience is not resignation. It’s joyful anticipation of the glory that is before you. Actors use that time before the curtain goes up to get focused and prepare for what’s ahead. As you wait for the next scene of your life to begin, center yourself in the Lord, tell Him you are content to wait for His perfect timing. Prayer Lord, I wait upon You this day. I put my hope in Your Word and ask that You would fill me afresh with Your Holy Spirit and wash away all anxiety or doubt. Shine Your spotlight into any dark corner of my soul that needs to be exposed. I don’t want my impatience or lack of trust to stand in the way of all You desire to do in me. I realize that even when my life seems to be standing still, as long as I cling to You I am moving forward on the path You have for me. As I wait on You, help me to grow in my understanding of Your ways, and not succumb to impatience or discouragement because my timetable does not coincide with Yours. Strengthen my faith to depend on Your perfect timing for my life. Help me to rest in You and be content with the step I’m on and the light You have given me. …those who wait on the Lord whall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 04:26:22 +0000

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