Wakey Wakey, everyone should be doing this and doing it NOW To - TopicsExpress


Wakey Wakey, everyone should be doing this and doing it NOW To the Crime Commissioner of Cheshire John Dwyer 31st August 2014. On 1st November 2014, our Parliament will have no rule. We will be ruled by the EU. The EU will have the say on policing and Great Britain will have a small vote on each issue. Votes will be based on a majority! This is an Act of Treason at common law. You are being used by the criminal fascist cabal who have imposters in place in government, who are evidently hell bent on destroying our freedoms and chance to live long and decent lives, in peace with justice available for all. Please remember your oath. Remember how your uniforms have changed over the years, fits in with UN troops do you think? The treasonous treaty of Nice will destroy the rule of law in this country and indeed the entire commonwealth if you allow it, the same common law that you have been forced to ignore for decades, and this occurs in on November the 1st if we do not protect the rule of law of this land. They will then make the UNs Agenda 21 mandatory which is a genocidal plot. It has been banned by 9 states in the USA already and other countries across the globe. The Sheriffs in the USA are standing against the cabal and for the constitution, it’s about time our police officers did so too. Do you want to be ruled by a massive unelected corporation, which is answerable to no one? This is not democracy. Avon and Somerset police constabulary for example are owned by IBM who own South west one. The Chief Constable for Somerset sits on the board of directors, do some investigations please, and do something about this matter, please get together on it. We are seeing a dictatorship being installed in Great Britain and we need our good police constables to uphold their sworn oath to stop this. If we allow a new order to become the rule, the old order will be deleted. Remember the night of the long knives?! There will be NO GUARANTEES as to what will occur! You are being used and will be either absorbed into the Europol (Eurogendfor) ranks under the dictatorial rules of the Lisbon treaty after or on November 1st or you will not be in service! The Brown shirts became excess to requirements, and please look at the second commandment of the Georgia Guidestones (Google it). Remember when you swore to solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that you will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness,integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people, and that you will, to the best of your power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property, and that while you continue to hold the said office you will to the best of your skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law? Please learn the law of the land, real laws, common law, the First Statute of Westminster, Magna Carta 1215, Declaration of Right 1688 and Bill of Rights 1689 and, the Coronation Oath Act 1688. Please do not be deceived by the propaganda and deception being perpetrated upon you as well as us. The 1795 Treason Act was NOT lawfully repealed by the then Prime Minister Tony Blair. It was an act of Treason at Common Law to attempt to do so. Millions upon millions of people died under dictators and you are being used to help install another one, a New World Order, your own lives and those of your loved ones will be in severe danger too. The psychopaths within the UN and governments worldwide are depopulating the world. All it takes is one decent bobby who observes his or her oath of office and, that he or she acts in service to the people according to the laws of this land, which cannot be denied without committing treason, observe your obligations to the constitution as well as too your own lives. Have you noticed any rise in sickness absences in your colleagues? The TETRA communications equipment you are now using is causing you harm. The little ear peace you use is damaging the calls in your brain. Anything with the word “smart” attached is dangerous. And they are knowingly harming you by making you wear and use equipment emitting microwave technology. Search EMF(Electro Magnetic Fields) and hear Barry Trower on You Tube. Do it now, before it’s too late. Do you really think they didn’t know about this major health risk they are forcing upon you? We mean no disrespect and we admire you for doing your job, but we need you to wake up to the puppet-masters using you in their bid for total dictatorship. Have you ever really looked into the London bombings on 7th July 2005? And the fact that Tony Farrell was kicked out of his job after exposing the government as the real London bombing terrorists? John Hill and his film 7-7 ripple effect THAT A JURY SAW who then declared him to be not guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice, after he had sent the film that he had made into a crown court hearing in defence of 3 other Muslim guys they were attempting to stitch up, after shooting dead the other 5 patsies, 4 at canary wharf and Charles Demenzes on the underground? As a way to consider how we are all being ‘governed’, look at fluoride in tap water. Really look at it. We are asking you to do this in the hope you become aware of the true agenda of our present and previous Governments. They may wear different colours, but their Agenda is the same. You have a duty under our Constitution and a duty to observe the Constitution despite what the corrupt Government tells you. Get the picture of the creeping privatisation of everything? It’s time to wake up and smell the tyranny. We need you to protect the people. The people of Britain need you. Please do not let us down. Our criminal Government is planning to form a new Magna Carta. The original Magna Carta is now being used by the people. It has been in force for 800 years, despite the Government lying about it being repealed. They can ONLY repeal Magna Carta 1297, which they ALWAYS refer too. Are you aware of the citizens’ arrest of a judge in Birkenhead? The Police constables didn’t know what to do. Many were very interested in the facts. Are you aware of the number of bailiffs acting unlawfully? or the number of local Councils issuing fixed penalty notices – unlawfully. or the number of people being evicted from their homes due to a fraudulent actions of banks? (You Tube Guy Taylor) or the number of children stolen from families via unlawful secret family courts and social services, police acting unlawfully in civil cases? The people are waking up, please join them. We are peaceful, lawful but defiant and sincere in our address to this matter. We are many and there are many of our ilk within the regime that has been built up slowly over the past 41 years (European Economic Communities Act signed in 1973 By the Right Dishonourable Edward Heath). The acts of sedition and treason by the Heath Administration is evidenced within the compilation of public records documents collected by David Barmby and known as FCO 10/ 3048 Shoehorned into the EU – a 2 disc set of nearly 500 signed and often sealed documentation of these crimes. We urge you to investigate this as a matter of URGENCY. The Lawful Rebellion Movement Britain. (This is the process that I used to good effect that made it a crime of high treason for the individual to make any further demands on me. I served other notices including an Affidavit of truth and 5 notices in one document that can be viewed herejforjustice.net/download/Affidavit_of_truth.html I also served a Notice of non jurisdiction on the (NOT) court of law (which can be viewed in the files) after the Affidavit and 5 Notices which was more demanding and aggressive in its sentiment. Gradually we can honourably become more demanding as the process unfolds. We tend to give shorter times for the individual to reply also i.e. starting with say 14 days, the next 10 days, then 7 days. You can demand a reply to the Notice of misprision of treason if you like? you can state that if he/she does not respond then it will be taken to mean that their lawful obligation and duty to report the Treason matter is being ignored and that you will report them to the police for allegedly committing misprision of treason. You will have to have reported (or attempted to report) the treason matter yourself to remain consistent and not hypocritical. You would need to do this with witnesses or to film it as evidence. Be creative with your lawful documents, the above are only templates to give you some idea of what is required. They can be improved upon no doubt (I am a layman as to the law myself) and personalized of course. We suggest you try to educate police without making demands on them but do so if they will not adhere to the evidential truth of the common law and the crimes being committed against it. Peace. Wesley Ahmed™ (AKA Messenger).
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 10:58:47 +0000

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