Want to know what a judge looks for? Read Kevin Sandlands - TopicsExpress


Want to know what a judge looks for? Read Kevin Sandlands pointers! Kevin is a former Galaxy judge but is very much part of the Galaxy family! Kevin judges many other pageants across the UK. He is based in the Crewe/Nantwich area of South Cheshire and now retired from photography business after many enjoyable years working with some amazing people. During his time as a professional photographer he specialised in portrait and fashion photography. He is still in touch with the photographic, fashion and beauty pageant industries and now judges at various top pageants in the UK, and offers a Digital Image Retouching service. General Judging a beauty pageant is quite subjective. There is no exact science, but there are some vague guidelines judges may follow that are generally unique to each pageant depending on the different criteria the contestants must meet. Normally, contestants are judged in Personal Interview, Fun/Fashion Wear, Fitness/Swim Wear and Evening Wear. Please be aware that judges here in the UK may look for slightly different qualities when judging pageants where the winner is to act as an ambassador for that particular pageant in their own country or the UK as opposed to pageants when the winner is expected to go on and represent their country in an international/world pageant somewhere else in the World. Personal interview The personal interview is like a relaxed job interview, so contestants are judged based on their appearance, how well they speak and carry themselves, and how confident/familiar they are in answering the judge’s questions. A judge may look for how comfortable and personable the contestant is, because they are being interviewed to represent the entire pageant system. Contestants should be reasonably intelligent and able to speak well, articulate and pronounce their words correctly (Queens English if possible - fs instead of ths can let contestants down). They should also be very approachable and genuine, meaning that they are comfortable in their own skin and actually passionate about their goals/future. They should be able to connect with the judges on a personal level and get the judges interested and enthused about their answers. Fun/fashion wear The fun/fashion wear section is where the contestant has a chance to show their personality as well as their chosen outfit. The outfit should be something one may see on a relaxed red carpet or at a classy casual function and it should be flattering to the contestant’s body as well as show a personal sense of style - a titleholder must know how to dress. Their walk should be energizing and perky. Their posture needs to convey excitement in the way they engage their arms, head and entire body. This is the time for a big fun smile, and maybe a laugh or a wink if it comes naturally. Confidence and a sense of excitement are extremely important. Fitness/swim wear The fitness/swim wear section is very important because it shows how well a contestant takes care of their body. What a person eats and their exercise regime will show when more skin is showing! If they take care of themselves diligently, they are more likely to take their reign seriously and be committed to doing a great job. The contestant must show that they are comfortable in their own skin. It is important that their walk stays upbeat and solid with poise and posture. They should not wobble or trip but if they do, it can actually help them as the judges get to see how well they recover. Title-holders are not always perfect and must know how to gracefully recover from mistakes or mishaps! This is the section where they should also have fun while they are on stage. Evening wear The evening wear section is judged based on the contestant’s poise, elegance and grace. Good posture and choice of evening gown are very important. The gown should accent their body in a flattering way, and their posture must be proper to convey confidence. Their gait must be smooth, graceful, and controlled. Their facial expression should be natural to show true beauty rather than having a huge smile. A smile is great, but this is not the time for a huge cheesy grin. They must keep their focus on the judges and the audience at all times. Summary In summary, judges want their winner to be confident, graceful, and intelligent, because they will be representing the entire pageant system. The winner must be genuine, likeable, and passionate as well so that people can connect with them on a personal level. Its so important to be beautiful inside as well as out and have that special Inner Sparkle !!! Some personal generality Not all judges have the same thoughts or criteria - in addition to the above, the below are some of the values I personally look for and may adjust my scoring accordingly. Kevin: I am always looking for the whole package - interview and stage presence combined. Never, ever be late for registration, rehearsals, main event etc and be in full pageant mode from the minute you reach the pageant venue - you never know who may be watching for behaviour/suitability of contestants! Relax in your interview and ensure you answer all questions fully and friendly - never ever give one word answers - if you do, they will lose you points!!. Relate to the judges and address them ALL when talking to them. I know this may be delicate but, in my opinion, being able to communicate at all social levels as a pageant Queen is so, so important. If you happen to talk pronouncing fs or vs instead of ths as a habit, you may be at a disadvantage - practice There are thirty thousand feathers on a thrushes throat and mother, brother, mother, brother over and over again weeks before the pageant until ths become natural. Accents in speech are fine but laziness in pronunciation, slang or swearing is really frowned upon - especially by me!!! Some stages/catwalks are at the judges approximate eye level and your feet and lower legs are extremely visible - if you are showing your toe nails, ensure your nail varnish is perfect. If you have ankle or lower leg blemishes, make sure you hide them (i.e. use makeup to cover) - the same for any other blemishes really. Also have good fitted and clean shoes and, if extremely high heels, make sure you are confident on them and try not allow your heels/feet to shake nervously!! Check your clothing. Many contestant come on stage with dress hanging tapes showing - make sure they are tucked in before you leave the changing area (ask another contestant to check you out - do the same for them). Same with bras popping out above dress tops and surplus cotton hanging. Make sure that any clothing you wear fits you perfectly. Adjust your hair to how you really want it to be and make it secure - marks can be easily lost by continually brushing your hair to one side whilst on stage. If you have had a spray or rub on tan make certain that the tan looks completely even and not patchy especially on your legs, arms and hands. Many contestants dont realise that I am still judging them whilst they are at the rear of the stage and someone else is doing their own pageant walk - it is so important to be in full performance mode all the time you are on stage - smile, face the judges/audience, stand/walk correctly at all times and then continue to do so when leaving the stage. In the evening gown round, some contestants loose marks with me by walking far too quickly and not holding a 2 to 3 second pose at the front or side of the stage. Walk slowly, smoothly, elegantly and with confidence. I am always looking for the 3 Ps on stage - Poise, Posture and Presence. Own the stage - present yourself to the audience and especially the Judges and make eye contact - this is your opportunity to really make an impression and show how confident and fantastic you really are. I dont expect everyone to be completely perfect but I do expect to see some indication that contestants have prepared really well in advance and tried as hard as possible to be amazing on the day. Remember - dont let YOU down!!! Having said all of that - have fun and make friends!!!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 18:13:38 +0000

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