Want to know why I LOVE Plexus Products and helping others (and - TopicsExpress


Want to know why I LOVE Plexus Products and helping others (and getting paid)? Read this success story and youll see: A life-changing testimonial courtesy of Silver Ambassador Elizabeth in Australia: After having my 4th baby I found losing my baby weight near impossible. I had already had a few extra kgs from before I fell pregnant, so I really wasn’t in a good place, my weight went up hovering between 108kgs and 110kg, the biggest I have ever been in my life. In between a screaming baby and 3 kids I really didn’t have the ability to do anything about it. A vicious cycle really, I ended up just staying in, lost all my confidence, and pretty much put myself on the back-burner and got on with getting through each day. As you get older your friends all seem to get a little on the plump side too (well my friend did) and then she started shrinking on Facebook posts. After a few weeks I’m like Ok spill what youre doing. She proceeds to tell me about this pink drink...she must have seen me rolling my eyes through the screen, it was LIZ DONT THINK ABOUT IT JUST DRINK IT! So I did, I went and picked up my 30 day pack and just drank it... Within the first week I was sleeping better, I had more energy, waking up not in pain. Normally I was so stiff and sore in the mornings it would take me a far bit to get going with several morning coffees. Guess the saying is true: you never knew how bad you felt until you feel better, and I was definitely feeling better. My clothes started to get looser. I was waking up in a good mood like every morning (Ive never been a morning person). As the month went on I just kept feeling better, life just seemed to get a lot better. People were noticing that I was just better...looking better and overall being better, enjoying life.This was beginning to be ongoing, keep drinking getting better and better day by day. So I needed a refill of my pink drink, my friend says get your own account its cheaper and you can have it all, there’s more Plexus goodies. I add in the accelerator to my pink & more kgs fell off. I remember having to get my dad to keep putting new holes in my belt for work because my pants were too big! After the 3rd time my belt was wrapping around me and it was time for a new belt. I never intended on starting my own Plexus business. I got the account to get it all cheaper but sometime the universe has other ideas. A few of my friends were noticing my looking skinnier, feeling better, actually going out to public places for fun (I never did that before). Started getting some of my own texts asking how I was doing it, so I just started ordering Plexus for a couple of friends each month. So I was pretty much getting my Plexus for free. I had a day job, I grew to hate it...putting baby girl in full time care, being so behind with all my house stuff on weekends, working, in school, holidays, not getting to enjoy my kids. My friend says again, Take a look at the business side, its good, so I took a look! I’ve been working from home for like 9 years before life took a turn and a day job was needed. So I just started sharing Plexus on my Facebook...made a page, posted some pics of my before and after, and got a huge response. I started being a very popular pink lady and was able to kick the day job and stay home and run my Plexus business and still pay my bills and few little extras in life as a single mum. Pretty rewarding not having the financial pressure of how am I going to pay for all that. October it is my 1 year on Plexus. I think back and look at pics from before I started, and it still shocks me that 1) I got that big and 2) where I am now I’ve lost well over 20kgs, dropped 4 sizes and am actually smaller then when I was 30. My skin is clear. My pain is gone. I actually can work out now and like doing it. I feel great and my confidence is growing. I actually like leaving the house and going out. This year I might actually take my kids to the beach or swimming at the pool and wear shorts. Looking forward I can’t wait to see what Plexus will bring in the next year in both health and wealth. Looking forward to reaching all of my Plexus dreams and helping others do the same. Plexus really is more than weight loss.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 20:08:53 +0000

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