Want to make a huge impact on STEM education? Want to take - TopicsExpress


Want to make a huge impact on STEM education? Want to take education in science, technology, engineering and math to the next level? Realize that it cant all happen in the laboratories and classrooms. (Thats like thinking you can visit and fully take in the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone via Skype!). Face it, we need to get back to go there, do that when it comes to STEM. Because it provides the one thing that all the academic arenas cant provide. A mission. That ignites dreams. And furthers our imagination. Because for the past 238 years (and then some!), weve been driven by finding out what lies over that horizon. And not just by developing theories, but by testing them in practice. Besides, if Gene Roddenberry would have written a TV show about a group of scientists in a Earth-bound laboratory named Enterprise, I dont think that we would have taken their mission seriously. I think it better that we keep going where no one has gone before. When we do, we get much, much more than Tang and velcro. When we go -- when we do -- we inspire dreams. And when it comes to dreams, (d)ream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men. (von Goethe). And what bigger dream and inspiration than everything that lies outside our planet. Lets dream. Lets get inspired. Lets go. Lets do. Lets start giving our kids a mission as big as the sky. :: Greg (h/t to Drew Schlosser for the video.) Read more: quoteworld.org/quotes/5548#ixzz35ZJfaxsU
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 14:57:09 +0000

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