Want to share he following with those who couldnt make it to the - TopicsExpress


Want to share he following with those who couldnt make it to the memorial service for Frank Mowatt. Arlene Walker Fischer Paine My name is Arlene. Unfortunately, I no longer am able to drive after dark, so I can not be here in person with you tonight ….. but, if possible, I would dearly love to share with you the part of Frank Mowatts live that I know best. Tonight is the Celebration of the life of Frank Mowatt, a dear friend of mine, an associate, a mentor..... a person who taught me that dreams CAN become realities if you try hard enough. The first day that I was connected with the Canadian Mental Health Association, was when I met Frank. …. As instructor of the Volunteer Training Program, he quickly became my mentor.... my “go-to” person whenever I felt overwhelmed or insecure in my knowledge as to how to make the people who visited the C.M.H.A. Resource Centre feel comfortable. I will forever see him sitting there playing Tetrus on the computer, and then switching lovingly to provide “caring listening” to anyone who needed someone who was interested in hearing their story …... and their needs. … His non-judgemental and caring disposition comforted and helped many a soul. Then ….. several years after this initial meeting, ...on a very blustery Friday night …....Frank, along with numerous other C.M.H.A. Volunteers were at my place for supper ...... After the meal, the topic came up as to what would be our dream of the IDEAL Centre to provide serve and include EVERYONE in our community. …... We brain-stormed for a little while, then said our good-nights, and headed our separate ways. Low and behold …. At about 7:30 the next morning, there was a LOUD knocking at our back door..... A very groggy me opened the door, and there stood Frank along with Kathleen, proudly holding up a BIG poster. …... Frank had been awake all night, mulling over and over the ideas talked about the previous evening. He stood there proudly holding up this large poster … and across the top, in huge letters read “WELCOME ABOARD” ….. and the statement below “An All Inclusive, Safe Drop-In-Centre for the Use of ALL Individuals Within Our Community”. Following was a basic outline of the Policy Statement for the facility that was GOING to open...... to Frank it was no longer just a dream …. it was a reality …. and he was going to make it happen !!! Without Frank Mowatt, the facility WELCOME ABOARD, would never, never have been conceived …. would never, never have been developed … would never, never have opened its doors …. Without his strength....his perserverance …. his humour …. and not to mention the many times that his knowledge of local “politics” came in handy..... the WELCOME ABOARD Drop-in-Centre would NEVER have opened its doors. ….. I will always, ALWAYS hear him saying in his comforting voice “Now Arlene …. its not as bad as all that …. why dont we try it this way …. or think about it in n other way …. ...never you mind, it can be done … “ ….. Never, ever did he give up on the project !!! WELCOME ABOARD, for many years, became a main stay to the Cambridge Community. A place for a free donut and a cup of coffee …. a place to meet friends for a game of cards …or just to sit and chat for awhile ….. A place to find out what was happening in the community …...and information as to services available to local citizens. …. It was a phone if you needed it …. it was an address if you did not have one …!!!! WELCOME ABOARD was the dream of one very, VERY fantastic man …. namely, Mr. Frank Mowatt. Rest in Peace, my friend. I am sure that you are sitting there....providing comfort and understanding to the other angels around you …. and Im sure that I will meet you again some day, and you will be carrying a huge poster to greet me …. and it will say …. WELCOME ABOARD !
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:48:03 +0000

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