Wanted to share this inspiring story from Georgene Stahl Dvorak. - TopicsExpress


Wanted to share this inspiring story from Georgene Stahl Dvorak. #BCA #TheTribe I was dxed in 4/2011 at age 45, I am a mother of 4, so afraid, being shuffled around after hearing the words Breast cancer . Going for scans, tests, one doctor after another. Trying to figure a plan, trusting the professionals. I felt like I lost who I was. After weeks of this craziness the nightmare continues with chemo, radiation and hormonal therapy. One thing I had besides my beautiful family to keep me in the moment and to remember who I was ... I am a runner and was in the middle of training with my running group. After hearing I had to do chemo, I thought my running days were over for a while. I had a race on my calendar that I was working hard for. The oncologist told me I had to have my first chemo 1 week before my race. I was devastated... This was not in my plan ! He told me it would be ok to go. I was having a hard time picturing that ... After my very first treatment, I had made an appt to cut my 12 plus hair off ... then I went for a run. I thought I would sweat that poison out of my body as fast as I could. Then it started to storm. I turned around and came back to the house.... my husband said go run, after what you sat for today, your not going to get struck by lightning. And off I went.... the rain was coming down, my tears were falling, but then I realized I can do this ! So I went and ran my race on race day ! I ran with all heart ! It wasnt the race I wanted ... But I finished. So then I realized I needed to stay ahead of this horrible thing and keep running. I planned a race of some kind after every treatment and just kept running with my friends to stay ahead. I wrote messages in the bottom of my shoes ( bad things I may have been wanting to scream ) and when I would return ... They were gone ! I have to say I had very little side effects compared to things I hear and I consider myself very blessed... I worked so hard to stay ahead as I do today. The fear never seems to go away and is always in my heals. This was not in my lifes plan to be a woman with breast cancer. I had my mastectomy 6/11 and then the other 5/12 ( As a precaution after my original surgeon told me it wasnt necessary tobtake both as i wanted and then after pathology told me it had to go ( in those words ) ) it started as stage 1a then escalated to stage 3b .... Im left with scars, and possibly future surgery because the radiation did such a great job on damaging my skin. I fight everyday ... For myself and other woman going through this horrible disease. When I lace up my shoes, my heart is full and I get out there and kick some asphalt ! I have ran many races, 5ks, 10ks, half marathons... But this summer I signed up for my first marathon... Trained with my group and had the joy of running this past weekend ! I ran my first marathon with so many in my heart ! What a feeling it was ..., and to know I kicked cancers ass !! I am not fond of a few words like survivor ... But I really like thriver, warrior .... And now I love that I can share this story with the Tribe . I am a tribe member !! Much love ! G
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:50:31 +0000

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