Warning. LOTS of uncensored profanity, including the f word and - TopicsExpress


Warning. LOTS of uncensored profanity, including the f word and G-D, etc. Hes talking about parenting, and how different it is today, versus when he was growing up. My mother had 4 sons and then a daughter, and Ive never heard her cuss, but she had a way of putting the fear of God into us kids just like Carlos talks about here (no I didnt just misspeak). There was a reason her peers called her Sarge back then, and it wasnt cuz she was in the military-cuz she never was. But one look at a childhood picture of the Bickley family going to church, and you know somebody was doing something right to have 4 boys in suits and overcoats and hats and a daughter in her frilly dress and coat and bonnet...and it wasnt cuz dad was helping getting us ready, either! I know styles have changed, but good parenting hasnt. And you may not like the way he says it, but Carlos nails it. Too bad such good preaching has to come from a stand-up comic. I bet God feels the same way, and before you get all indignant about me invoking God amidst such profanity, Ill tell you God is FAR more offended at the sucky parenting going on all around, probably by you who would complain about the profanity! One last biblical reference: Genesis 18:19-(right before God destroys Sodom, God says about Abraham...)-For I know him, that he will COMMAND his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. ...and you thought God chose Abraham just cuz he was the least. No, this verse CLEARLY says God chose him because of how God knew Abraham would RAISE HIS CHILDREN! And you thought child-rearing was only tangentially related to your destiny in God... THINK AGAIN!-and grow a pair! (Incidentally, the best Fathers Day/Fathering sermon Ive ever heard was by Mark Driscoll, yes, formerly of Mars Hill, Seattle, in 2012, I think.) And, yes, Judy and I raised our four great kids very much in the spirit that Carlos is portraying, and-by the grace of God-it makes for lots of laughter at our family gatherings! Come to think of it, that goes for gatherings with my siblings, too.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:23:05 +0000

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