Warriors who do not know they are at war, who do not know that - TopicsExpress


Warriors who do not know they are at war, who do not know that they are the first line of defense against their people’s enemies, confuse their people with the enemy. Warriors unaware that they should always be prepared for any exigency are ill-prepared for battle. Warriors who feel secure are fools who die without cause. Warriors unwilling to die for any righteous cause have no right to that title. Warriors blindly embracing a life’s philosophy of nonviolence against conscientiously violent enemies deserve destruction. Warriors who are incapable of speaking to enemies in a language they can understand should never be allowed to speak for their people. Warriors without Ma’at can only pretend respect for family. Warriors who have not fully grasped the self-defining, independent qualities of nationbuilding have yet to visualize freedom. Warriors without respect for each other senselessly commit suicide against each other. Warriors who confuse information with wisdom fall for ignorance as intelligence. Warriors who believe they can lose fail. Warriors whose deeds do not reflect their words are contradictory liabilities. Warriors still set on repeatedly using a tactic that has miserably failed should not be allowed to participate in strategic discussions. Warriors claiming to be warriors but who do not understand that the root word of “warrior” is “war,” are children at play. Warriors without patience rush toward a purposeless, unnecessary death. Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti Nyansasem: A Calendar of Revolutionary Daily Thought Watch and Share youtu.be/a8X70IDMYHw Empire #Empire
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:18:02 +0000

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