Was a good All-Candidates(Richmond mayor & council) meeting - TopicsExpress


Was a good All-Candidates(Richmond mayor & council) meeting tonight -- I was as unimpressed wirth the incumbents as I expected -- the only one I have espect & appreciation for is Harold Steeves - hes still as much a straight-shooting fighter for his stances as ever. Too many current councillors tried to claim credit for the Garden City lands purchase(ie rescue from becoming developed); Councilor candidate Carol Day set it right, how she & others, from ther outside found ONE receptive counsellor(Harold Steeves, of course) who, together with them convinced others one by one until it went from 8-1 against to 9-0 for! Most candidates were full of words(yada yada yada) & no real substance -- pure tepidity so as, I assume, to not offend any corporate(developer) financial supporters. Dave Semple(independent) shows promise. . . I need to do more research before I decide if hes worth a vote. Bill McNulty is a maybe; he is involved with community issues like housing & disability services. . . Andy Hobbs, as a new entry is another maybe -- he has good useful experience for a relevant point of view; & Carol Day, as another non-incumbent -- she missed by only 300 votes last time only because Victoria changed things. . . & Ms. Day has definitely been involved in issues I consider important, like not using the Fraser River to ship airline fuel(she founded VAPOR) & was an early & still strong opponent to developing our diminishing farmlands/bogs. . . The only mayoral candidate I see as having a likelihood of being effective at his job is the incumbent Maslcolm Brodie, but Im still unhappy how hes led the most junket-happy council ever! If I feel the others will be able to keep him honest, I may have to vote for him, as RichardLee is too brash & politician-like & Cliff Wei iis a milqutoast(NOT a good thing for a big citys leader!) I havent mentioned parties on purpose -- I have no respect for them as blocs or platforms -- I want individuals who are committed to my & my neighbours needs & desires! The School Trustee candidates have their panel on 05-Nov -- I plan to be there, too. . . MAKE SURE YOU VOTE ON SATURDAY, 15-NOVEMBER, RICHMOND! Only 20% voted last time -- meaning your vote is worth FIVE & if you stasy home, thats the value of FIVE lost votes! Do your own research, contact the candidates(all said they are receptive to this & will personally respond) directly. Go here, third item down on left menu, to see whos who: richmond.ca/electionservices/overview.htm
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:33:15 +0000

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