Was nominated by Joy Amosa to do 20 facts. :-) 1. My full name is - TopicsExpress


Was nominated by Joy Amosa to do 20 facts. :-) 1. My full name is Moana Katetau Waikato. 2. For 10 years I was an only child, now I have a 12year old brother Rangi Mahuru, who stays with me every weekend. 3. My favourite colour is blue, but I like baby blue mixed with yellow & pink aswell. Sometimes I cant make up my mind lol. 4. I was named after my late grandfather Moana, who also named my aunty (died at 3months) Moana, then my uncle.. & Mums middle name is Moana then comes me! :-). and it doesnt stop there - my niece Laela Moana :-P 5. I am a loyal friend. If youre a close friend of mine, Ill always be there for you. Even at 3am lol. 6. 20 facts is a lot! :p 7. I use to have a fear of spiders and cockroaches etc. But since going to Australia Ive kinda overcome the worse since then hahaha. But still - disgusting!! 8.My mums the baker, im the cook - although when I say the cook, thats like the cook for 3 people to whom I always cook for hahaha..I am not a baker! but can decorate. 9. I like to do most things straight away, like now - may as well get it over n done with. 10. I love creative arts & crafts.. although I havnt done much for a while, since studying but I would love to get back into painting, scrapbooking etc. 11. Anyone wanna go shopping? Lets go bargain hunting! clearance, sales, garage sales, vouchers, buy 1 get 1 free - you know it, Ive got it! Lol 12. If Ive got vouchers, I try not to leave the house without em. I aint no budget person, jus getting mah moneys worth :-) 13. Ive recently graduated with my Early Childhood Teaching Degree/bachelor.. soooo Im a fully qualified ECE teacher & im lovin it 14. I know that my gift of teaching was granted by God 100% because believe it or not, each time I go to plan my teaching im soo nervous, mat-times n all.. but when it comes down to doing it, its all go-go & it all naturally flows.. is that right? lol. 15. I laugh because some people mistake me for being samoan, raro, or even phillipino haha but when they find out im Maori, I guess theyre shocked. 16. When people try speak Maori to me n Im like ohh yehhh Kiaora! lol. I can sometime understand the language but struggle to speak especially when im put on the spot. Sadly I could probably speak more samoan than Maori ayyyyeeee??? 17. I love to serve the community and others, even when Im struggling myself. I feel that putting others first is most important than yourself. 18. At present, I go to Bible College (MTC) and work at Clendon Christian Preschool parttime.. I love it! and no matter how tired I may feel, I enter my workplace with a thankful & blessed heart.. no matter how busy the kids are 19. I stand on Psalm 139:14 I am fearfully & wonderfully made!! in the image of my own saviour Jesus Christ & it is only through Him, why we live today. 20. Last but not least. I dislike the fact that some choose to go out n about in this world to find what they think is love, but what they dont realise is the truth in Love isright in front of them our ultimate Love is God.. You have more worth in you & worth far more, richer than rubies, diamonds, money n whatever else we try to use to please others.. If youre tagged, I have randomly nominated you lol :-)
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 05:22:49 +0000

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