Was not able to be at church sunday so I will post a sermon on - TopicsExpress


Was not able to be at church sunday so I will post a sermon on here. Hope someone gets something out of it. Its very common for me to hear from the Holy Spirit daily or at least every couple days. By hear of course I mean he guides me and helps give me encouragement. It lets me know that I am never alone. It allows me to feel God there when I pray or read my bible. Well from the time my gallbladder hurt and and through my recovery he was silent. It is very lonely not having that small, still voice. So when I knew I would have to get surgery I prayed what to do but still nothing. I got out of the surgery and still not a word. Then when my throat swelled I prayed harder. Finally after 3 days of no food or drink I ended up in the ER. My throat was so swollen and full of soars that I couldnt even swallow my own spit. Sorry to be detailed but it lets you know where I was. I was dehydrated and in so much pain. I was supposed to be taking pain medication for my incisions and hadnt in days because I could not swollow. I was on my back on morphine and an iv for fluids. I felt defeated, tired and worn. It was then that it spoke. There was a woman in the hallway upset because her teenage sons spleen had ruptured. For those that are unaware this is extremely painful and dangerous. I heard this is why youre here, Pray for him now. So you have to realize that I am on my back, cant swallow, havent eaten or drank in days, in some of the worst pain Ive ever had and on morphine. If it woudnt have hurt I would have laughed out loud. My selfishness first coming to mind thinking he can pray for himself who will pray for me. Dont judge me, you would have too. After my selfish thoughts I laid down and prayed for as long as I could. That he would come through this and God would be his doctors and his nurses. I then told my mom that God wanted me to pray for her son. Obviously thinking it was the morphine she told me to lay back down. I dont blame her lol. This experience taught me two things; God didnt put me on my back in that ER but he still used it for positive. Sometimes when we are in our struggles we dont take the time to look around to see who is struggling with us. God can ALWAYS take what the Devil intends for bad and make it good. God can use us where we are. So many times we think that we cannot serve God until our lives are right, or we get where we need to be. Serving God can get us where we need to be. Think about the fact that Paul wrote most of the new testament while in prison. Had he gotten mad and waited we would have never received it. Joseph served God no matter what happened to him or where he was; in a well, as a slave and even in prison. Dont wait to serve God. Do it now! That could be the seed to plant that will allow God to get you out of wherever you are. Me praying for thay boy could have been the seed to bringing me healing. God is a great God. Just because we dont understand his plan or things are not done on our timeline dont think that he doesnt love you. He loves you enough to make you a part of his plans. Romans 8:28 New Living TranslationAnd we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 16:10:41 +0000

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