Was the last Republican Candidate for President a Socialist? I - TopicsExpress


Was the last Republican Candidate for President a Socialist? I just love it when people resort to calling Obama a socialist or communist, (and what else have they called him? Oh yeah, a Muslim and a Kenyan). Guess what folks? Obamacare IS Romneycare. So, since it was Romneys plan, was he a socialist too? (Cant have it both ways, either they both are or they are not. Its the same plan!). Really shows me that there is a major void in understanding political systems and the desperate grasping for ANYTHING that might delegitimize his Presidency and work. Here is something else that is incongruent in many peoples thinking. They dont seem to mind what is essentially socialized police and fire protection, and education, but heaven forbid we have the same kind of health care protections. Out comes the anger and name-calling when that is on the table. Hell, I pay taxes for the education of children and I have no children. I pay taxes for fire and police protection for everyone else. Never needed either. Why should I pay for the protection or education of others? Whats that you say? i may need police assistance in the future? You mean like i might need decent health care coverage because i might break my leg someday? Of course Im being sarcastic and understand the benefit of the socialized system of police, fire and education. But if people think uninsured people dont cost them mega amounts of their income, they are ignorant of the facts. Who do they think absorbs the cost of ER visits for colds, scratches and bee stings, not to mention the disastrous stuff? And we pay socially and financially for the masses who dont get preventative care when they end up with preventable catastrophic illnesses. We pay for this one way or another. I have come to believe most all politicians are bought and paid for by big business and special interests. I believe the Tea Baggers are doing nothing else now except trying to bring the ACA down because they are beholding to insurance companies, mega Banks, and the Koch brothers and their stated commitment to bring Obama down. Big Fail on doing their job and this behavior will dearly cost them (even with all their gerrymandering and voter suppression attempts). I also maintain that if you label Obama a socialist, than you are labeling Romney one too. You are not being honest with yourself if you dont.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 05:38:52 +0000

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