Washington , Europeans refuse to consider working together with - TopicsExpress


Washington , Europeans refuse to consider working together with Moscow in air strikes against IS US, the military coalition, refuses to consider working together with Moscow in the air strikes against IS (Official Strikes against Islamic State , unofficial Strikes against Iraq, Syria) . The refuse echo broader problems in U.S.-Russian-Europe relations, already at a post-Cold War low over the crisis in Ukraine and East Europe. In a Surprising shocking movement against old partners in East Europe, against new friendships with European in West Europe after 1991, Russia decide to start occupying , using military force , East Europe lands that were already invade by Joseph Stalin, ex Russia leader in 1945. To European, Russia (URSS) occupation of Europe after 1945 is regard same way as Europe occupation by Hitler/German between 1939 and 1944. When URSS fall in 1991, Russia did not lose its lands. It was not URSS lands but African colonies. Russia could no longer force, military the European countrys occupy after WW country as France, UK, Netherlands, Belgian could no longer control their colonies in Africa in Middle East colonies. France illegally occupy Syria and Lebanon between 1920 and 1946 ( الانتداب الفرنسي في سوريا و لبنان ) with The secret Mafia agreement Sykes–Picot Agreement, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sykes%E2%80%93Picot_Agreement If nobody likes European occupancy of lands in Middle East ,Africa,South America, Asia , why agree with Russia occupation of Crimea (Ukraine) , Transnistria (Moldavia) and other areas , countrys, just because Russia apparently help Syria? The United States , Russia, the European see Islamic State (ISIL) as a common enemy but If Vladimir Putin thinks that somehow Russia is going to gain some kind of shift in world policy, that is not going to happen after Ukraine, Georgia, Estonia, Moldavia , East European countrys attacks by Russia. Russia bad relations with Poland , another European country , come out after Russia under strong suspicious of murdering the all Polish government in 2010, in another air Crash in Russia . smolenskcrashnews/polish-president-lech-kaczynski-murdered-in-plane-crash.html Vladimir Putin desperate try to involved Germany, Turkey the UN, the others European countrys NATO, China in the strikes against Syria and Iraq (IS) and to push the coordination of the military operation to UN in a senior UN. administration official report on the condition of anonymity. But not only Russia is no longer part G8, G20 The Question is why people attack so much turkey, Saudi as Back up terrorists in Syrian, Yet a silence about Chechen terrorism in Syria? Because Chechen is Russia partner. And Russia is apparently Syria friend (lets hope Russia will not , involve Syria in Russia mess with East European countrys , who by the way do not send Jihad terrorists to Syria ) Are we oblige to hide Chechen responsibility in murdering millions Syria?
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 08:26:10 +0000

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