Wasnt going to do this so publicly but seeing as this persons - TopicsExpress


Wasnt going to do this so publicly but seeing as this persons family is trying to cover their backs by trying to make me look bad, I am forced into doing this: On Sunday as many of you know Lara went to her new home in Wales, Lara had been here for at least 3 weeks and in that 3 week was physically sick twice due to me changing her food, which her previous owners had said not to, I tried her on a senior diet thinking it would be better for her and clearly it wasnt.She was picked on Sunday and taken to her new home, got a phone call on Monday to say she was sick a couple of time, with over an hour journey for this 10 year old cat,this to me didnt seem alarming. Tuesday I got another phonecall to say her mother thought this cat was unwell, when I asked why they had not felt the need to go to the vets, I was given lots of excuses, her mum had a broken hip, well they had told me the husband drove??? well we are not registered??? I was also told by the ladies daughter that her mum was probably sat obsessing about the cat??? At this point I said if you are not going to take her to a vet I want her back here so I can take her to mine. Got a text message this morning saying cat failing, going to wales to bring her back to you, I rang absolutely furious and asked if they thought she would make the hour and a half journey, oh yes mum said she will be fine?? At this point I rang my vets and explained the situation and to be on standby for a sick cat coming in.This afternoon whilst at work I got a phone call to say when they got there she had passed away, I was so upset and angry I said I couldnt talk and put the phone down, her last text to me was do you want me to dispose of this cat yes or no? I have since sent a friend down to collect Lara and she is now being buried as I type ( again by two close friends ) who appreciate how upset I am. Then I get the previous owner on the phone after she sadly read the garbage this ladies daughter had wrote, saying Lara died from Broken bones???? Lara had a little bone sticking out near her rib cage, her previous owners said she had had it ages. For Lara to have gone downhill so rapidly can only make me think it was her kidneys or heart and Im not going to lie I am livid that I entrusted this baby in their care and they didnt even have the decency to get her to a vet, anyone that knows me knows that I would NEVER let an animal go out of my care if I felt it was ill. Like I said, Im deeply upset and wasnt going to do this but if you think for one second you can try and drag my name through the mud to make your conscience ease a little, then think again! RIP Lara, I have no doubt you were shown love in those 4 days,I hope to God you didnt suffer and Im sorry that the love you got shown didnt expand to taking you to a vet when you clearly needed one. Can I also say that I dont for one second Lisa Thomas think you knew Lara was sick when you brought her here and Im sorry you got to read about her death through Facebook, by this families relative . Can I also say I have every text message and Facebook message sent from this family to back up the facts as I have stated them.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 21:14:08 +0000

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