Watched Eric in his public school performance of the Sound of - TopicsExpress


Watched Eric in his public school performance of the Sound of Music today. There was a choir of about 40 little kids, an orchestra of about 25 kids playing all manner of horns and percussion, another dozen kids painted the sets and pulled them on and off stage between scenes and there was a cast of about 15 kids doing the acting, singing and dancing. Not only that, but Erics cast was doubled, he did some performances and an another whole cast learned all the parts, including dance numbers that accurately recreated the ones from the movie. What a huge deal. Now heres the thing...that show would have been like herding cats. The kids in it ranged from 6 to 13 years old! So how was it achieved? With teachers. About a half dozen of them gave of their time, talent and Im sure a huge amount of patience to adapt the Sound of Music and put it on. They did it all on their own time as volunteers. The kids learned so much about music, stage craft, comedy, drama, art, confidence, and yes, even World War II. They beamed with pride when the thunderous applause came at the end. On the way home from the show I heard on the radio that Tim Hudak, if elected, will lay off 9,000 public school teachers assistants and 9,700 public school teachers. Hes an ass.
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 01:17:39 +0000

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